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Online Preschool

Virtual or Online Preschool taught the Montessori wayOur online preschool program provides an enriching hands-on learning experience with specially formulated Montessori materials for math, language, sensorial exploration, practical life activities, art, science, second language, music, history, and geography.

  • Ready for the details? Explore session times, how we use Facebook Live and Zoom, recordings, worksheets, and program costs on our program details page. We provide a virtual preschool program built on Montessori methods.

Our preschool children develop observation and problem-solving skills. We’ve worked hard at a best-in-class Montessori-inspired online curriculum for our virtual preschool. Yes, it’s online or virtual, but our goals are to help the children. They learn by manipulating, experimenting, and discovering through Montessori materials and prepared environment. Children begin to move from the concrete to the abstract as they prepare for the more complex studies used in our online or virtual Montessori Kindergarten program.

Online Preschool: Summing Up

We’re very proud of our online Montessori preschool programs. The children offer so much to us as parents and educators, and we’re so pleased to offer them a world-class Montessori Preschool curriculum. We work hard for our students, and we try our best to make it convenient and rewarding as well for their busy parents. The new online world is opening up, and we are embracing the challenge to be the best online or virtual preschool available, based on the incredible Montessori method!

Our online preschool curriculum focused heavily on English and language arts. The language curriculum includes everything – from vocabulary development to writing to reading. The child progresses from spelling words to constructing sentences. The reading curriculum is supported by storytelling, poetry, singing, consequently fostering a joy and eagerness to understand written language. Language studies include:

Oral Preparation

  • Conversational speech
  • Student Presentations
  • Speaking in front of peers
  • Storytelling
  • Vocabulary enrichment
  • Show and Tell


  • Listening Skills
  • Creative Stories
  • Introduction to Poetry, Non-fiction, and Fiction


  • Eye-to-hand coordination
  • Pencil Control
  • Beginning Punctuation
  • Handwriting


  • Phonics
  • Blends
  • Sight Words
  • Phonogram sounds
  • Vocabulary of objects, attributes, and actions

Preschool online heavily emphasizes math and arithmetic skills – the basic foundational skills in math that will set the stage for later career and educational success in STEM. Preschoolers learn to add and subtract by combining and taking away objects. They learn place value by seeing bead bundles that represent ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. Conceptual understanding of math is a natural outcome of activities that allow children to manipulate objects and see relationships. Math studies include:

Concrete materials to explore place value:

  • Units
  • Tens
  • Hundreds
  • Thousands

Concrete materials to perform operations:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Written numerals 1-100
  • Skip counting
  • Even and odd numbers
  • Measurement
  • Simple money
  • Time

Online learning can emphasize practical skills. Through video training and the downloadables, we help parents and children in our online preschool to acquire practical skills. This area is designed to help students develop a care for themselves, the environment, and each other. We are so fortunate to avail ourselves of nature and environmentally related activities. These creative activities are offered to assist the child in developing a sense of order, concentration, independence, fine motor skills, grace, courtesy, confidence, self-esteem, and respect for others. The activities build a child’s concentration as well as prepare the child for writing and language.

Physical Skills

  • Basic movements
  • Gross and fine motor skills
  • Use of activities that promote concentration, coordination, independence, and order

Respect and care of environment

  • Indoor and outdoor
  • Recycling

Grace, courtesy, and etiquette

  • Caring about others
  • Problem solving
  • Conflict resolution


  • Care of person
  • Health and safety
  • Nutrition and food preparation

Community Service

  • Developing an awareness of needs of others
  • Participating in several service projects throughout the school year

The Sensorial Curriculum is the key to knowledge in the online preschool program. All learning first comes through the senses. There are many different Montessori sensorial materials and activities designed to help the child refine the tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory senses. The child will develop skills in thinking, judgment, and spatial awareness. This prepares them for more complex learning in other areas such as math and language. Students learn to distinguish and differentiate sensorial properties through:

Auditory learning

  • Different Sounds

Visual learning

  • Color
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Gradation
  • Identification
  • Comparison

Tactile learning

  • Texture
  • Weight
  • Temperature

Online preschoolers become familiar and comfortable working with a variety of materials such as pencil, crayon, paints, and clay in various techniques. Art provides a mean of enjoying the creativity of others as well as their own. The visual arts program seeks to nurture creativity, problem solving, and self-expression as it relates to each child’s level of development. Lessons include drawing, painting, sculpture, and collage making.
Students will explore:

  • Elements of art (shape, color, texture)
  • Famous Artists

Our online preschool program embraces science and the scientific method. We encourage students through the video links and worksheets to go outside and “experiment.” Parents are encouraged to help. The science materials support the specific areas in Physical sciences, Earth sciences, and Life sciences and into the studies within this area. Science studies and materials enable the child to observe, explore and perform experiments in all or more areas of:

  • Botany-plant care, tree and leaf studies, flowers, gardening
  • Zoology-animal husbandry, animals kingdoms, vertebrate/invertebrate, life cycles

Life Science

  • Plant care
  • Nature walks
  • Living vs. nonliving
  • Life cycles

Physical Science

  • Sink and float activities
  • Gravity
  • Magnetic v. nonmagnetic
  • Color mixing
  • Weight/balance

Earth Science

  • Water properties
  • Weather/seasons
  • Oceans
  • Rocks

Scientific Reasoning and Technology

  • Observation skills
  • Science Experiments

In Cultural studies our online preschool program exposes your child to geography and history and they gain an awareness of the world around them by exploring other countries, their customs, foods, and, languages. Montessori children achieve early understanding of the concepts of:

  • Globe as Earth’s shape
  • Continents/countries
  • U.S. states
  • Flag study
  • State research
  • Land and water forms
  • Map-making skills
  • Oceans
  • Festivals around the world

Our online preschool program emphasizes cultural learning. To this end, we offer online Spanish class learning that is age-appropriate. Spanish involves speaking, listening, singing, and interaction as it is integrated into the curriculum through individual and small group instruction.  Children acquire:

  • Basic vocabulary
  • Numbers
  • Colors
  • Calendar (days, months, seasons)
  • Animals
  • Parts of the body
  • Spanish songs
  • Questions and answers in Spanish

Our online preschool program encouraged children to grow socially as they interact with other children and parents through singing, dancing, performing and playing musical games. They are collectively exposed to different sounds, rhythms and stories that further enhance their musical awareness. The music curriculum also offers significant opportunities to build stage confidence through our numerous performances throughout the school year such as the Winter, Spring, and International Concerts.

The kindergarten program, at each level, is responsive to the needs and interests of the children, and the ultimate goal is the joyful discovery of movement and its benefits, both physical and psychological. The children explore their imagination, spatial awareness, musicality and rhythm, movement quality, energy, as well as are a great source of physical activity. Children develop skills in:

  • Understanding different loco motor movements: running, hopping, leaping, skipping, jumping
  • Continuing development of gross motor skills
  • Increasing strength, coordination, and flexibility
  • Building confidence working in groups and as an individual

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!