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Online Daycare

Is online daycare possible? Nowadays, many parents are forced to work from home, and their children are not enrolled in a physical school. Of course, we operate best-in-class Montessori schools in Danville, Dublin, in Fremont, California. Many parents choose the on school campus for their daycare needs. Others find that virtual daycare is a great option.

  • Ready for the details? Explore session times, how we use Facebook Live and Zoom, recordings, worksheets, and program costs on our program details page.

However, many parents still want to keep their children at home but confront the problem that because they have to work, or want to do other activities, they cannot be available to their children 24 hours a day. Online daycare is an innovative program which uses video instruction to work with your child.

Because little children have short attention spans, however, we break up our programming into short bits, and we offer a rapid series of activities and fun oriented task. Our online daycare program helps parents get a break from their children. As for the children, our online daycare program is inspired by the Montessori method, and we work hard to instill learning activities into the fun.

If you are interested in our online daycare program, check out our Facebook live in YouTube channels, or reach out to us for a phone conversation. We are happy to let you know about the best-kept secret on the Internet: online daycare.

  • Oral preparation
  • Visual learning
  • Visual arts
  • Second languages
  • Music
  • Movement Arts

Our curriculum and pedagogy encourages your child to develop problem-solving and observational skills. These are both things that will be useful for the child as they grow older, and we are aware of that.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!