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LearnAndGo: Our Official Carpool App

Your child’s safety is our top priority. Therefore, the use of this app is restricted to the LAPMS Community and requires a registration code.
Please contact your school or the Enrollment Team at 510-916-1600 for assistance.

Main Dashboard

After logging in, you’ll arrive at the main dashboard. This is your central hub where you can:

  • Look for and post ride requests
  • Access your chats
  • Manage your current rides

Profile Management

You can view or edit the information you provided during sign-up. The app allows you to add multiple public schools and multiple Learn And Play® Montessori School (LAPMS) locations.


Each page has a DASHBOARD button that returns you to the main screen.

Contact Schools & Visit Our Website

From the dashboard, access school contact information and quickly visit our website.

Look for a Ride

In the “Look for a Ride” section, you can:

  • Find Ride Offers and Ride Requests
  • Search for specific offers using the search bar

Offer or Request a Ride

This section is where you can post your ride offers or requests. Simply enter:

  • The school you’re traveling to
  • Your starting point
  • Your destination


Connect directly with other parents or guardians who have signed up to help with pick-ups and drop-offs.

Your child’s safety is our top priority. Therefore, the use of this app is restricted to the LAPMS Community and requires a registration code.
Please contact your school or the Enrollment Team at 510-916-1600 for assistance.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

Schedule a Tour
Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!