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COVID-19 Safety Policies And Procedures

Keeping Children and Staff Safe During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Video

Details On Our SAFETY Policies And Procedures During Coronavirus (COVID-19):

Learn And Play Montessori School (LAPMS) will always consider the health and safety of our children and of our staff our first priority. We are committed to providing high quality and safe environment for our children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are continuously monitoring the latest developments in and around our community. As more information becomes available, we are adapting and making changes to our safety measures and protocols. We are also following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Child Care Licensing Department (CCLD), County Health Department and other government organizations.

In line with safety measures, we are implementing the following protocols and policies in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

School Hours

  • 8AM to 5PM Monday to Friday
  • Drop off must be by 9AM

Drop Off and Pick Up Policies and Procedures

  • Parents are required to wear a face mask during drop-off and pick-up.
  • Parents and staff will meet at health and wellness station outside the facility entryway.
  • Parents are required to maintain 6 feet distance from other parents/families and follow the markers on the floor.
  • Staff will check in the child(ren) at the health and wellness station one child at a time to allow for physical distancing.
  • Staff will go over brief questionnaire regarding the health of the child as well as the child’s immediate family.
  • Staff will make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.
  • Staff will use touchless thermometer to take the temperature of the child(ren). Forehead temperature of the child(ren) must be less than 100°F/38°C to be admitted into the school.
  • Parent’s visits should be as brief as possible, and parents are discouraged to enter the facility.
  • Parents should wash their own hands and assist in washing the hands of their children before drop-off, prior to coming for pick up, and when they get home.
  • Hand sanitizers will be out of the reach of children, but near all entry doors, classrooms, and other high traffic areas.
  • Ideally, the same parent should drop off and pick up the child every day. If possible, people with underlying medical conditions should not pick up children, because they are more at risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Wellness Check for Staff and Children

School has implemented screening procedures for our staff and children. This includes asking all individuals about any symptoms (primarily fever, cough, difficulty breathing or other signs of illness within the last 72 hours) – that they, or someone in their homes, might have. All individuals will be asked if they have had any exposure to another individual with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases.

  • Parents must notify the school if a child has taken any fever reducing medications in last 72 hours and must not bring the child to school.
  • School will take children and staff’s temperature each morning by using a non-touch thermometer. If a child or staff has a temperature of 100°F/38°C or higher or exhibits signs of illness, we will follow the facility procedures for isolation from the general room population and notify the parents immediately to pick up the child and the staff member will be sent home immediately.
  • If a parent or a member of the same household tests positive for COVID-19 they will be required to provide a proof of clearance from a doctor prior to bringing the child to school, same protocols applies to school staff.
  • County Public Health Department, Child Care Licensing Department and Parents will be informed if there any known cases of COVID-19.
  • School will follow guidelines given by County Public Health Department.
  • Same teacher will remain with the child(ren) throughout the day except during breaks and lunches.
  • Furniture and children’s play area will be arranged to provide ample space.

 Social and Physical Distancing

  • Extend the indoor environment to outdoors, if applicable and weather permitting.
  • Arrange developmentally appropriate activities and rearrange furniture and play spaces to maintain 6-feet separation, when possible.
  • Masking tape or other materials will be used for children to create separation and have their own space.
  • Limit the mixing of children between classrooms, such as staggering playground times and keeping groups separate for special activities such as art, music, and exercising.
  • Educate children about social distancing and give verbal reminders.
  • Implement strategies to model and reinforce social and physical distancing and movement as best as possible.

Healthy Hygiene Behavior/Hand Washing

  • Signs are posted in restrooms and near sinks that convey proper handwashing techniques.
  • Children will be lined up for hand washing with soap and water, while keeping a safe distance from one another.
  • Faucet will be kept running, so that children do not need to touch the faucet.
  • Staff will practice frequent hand washing by teaching a popular child-friendly song or counting to 20 (hand washing should last 20 seconds) and use paper towels to dry hands thoroughly.

All Children and Staff will engage in hand hygiene at the following times:

  • Arrival to the facility and after breaks.
  • Before and after preparing food or drinks.
  • Before and after eating or handling food or feeding children.
  • Before and after administering medication or medical ointment.
  • Before and after diapering.
  • After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom.
  • After coming in contact with bodily fluid.
  • After playing outdoors.
  • After handling garbage.

Routine Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting

  • Windows and doors (where possible) will be kept open to allow for increased air circulation.
  • On top of our regular daily cleaning, the school will routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects throughout the day (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, shared toys).

 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Staff will have access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including masks, gloves and face shields to prevent the spread of germs. Children ages two and up are required to wear masks while at school, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school with a clean mask every day. School will not force a child to wear a mask.

Parents for children ages 2 and above are required to bring their child with a face mask, and if the child decides not to keep the mask on, staff can only encourage but will not force the child to wear the mask.

Food Preparation and Meal Service

  • Parents will be required to provide lunch from home to eliminate cross-contamination.
  • Some children may have severe allergic reactions to specific food ingredients that are readily available from home. We request that parents be mindful and careful when packing food from home.
  • The school will continue to provide an AM and PM snack for the children.
  • Parents should not send water bottles from home. Water will be provided to children in a disposable dixie cup.
  • DO NOT pack foods containing nuts, seeds, shellfish, eggs, sugary snacks or desserts.
  • DO NOT pack popcorn, grapes or any snack that could be a choking hazard.

 Personal Items

All personal items should be labeled and kept in a separate bag to ensure personal items are separate from others.


Napping pads will be spaced 6 feet apart from each other.  They will be arranged with the head of each bed alternately, in opposite directions, to lessen the possible spread of illness between children from coughing or sneezing. All pads will be wiped down and disinfected after each use.

Parents are required to bring a crib size bed sheet and blanket. Bedding will be sent home on Fridays for wash and brought back on Mondays.

 Outdoor Play Time

  • Outdoor play activity will be staggered to reduce the number of children in the same area.
  • Group size will be limited to one classroom at a time.
  • More play time will be given to children, weather permitting.
  • The slides and play structures will be off limits, more free play will be encouraged.
  • More opportunities will be offered for individual play and solo activities.
  • Frequently used surfaces will be cleaned as frequently as possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenging and fluid situation. Federal, state, and local orders and guidance may change frequently, therefore our policies and procedures are subject to change accordingly.

Although, the School has placed all commercially reasonable preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, the School cannot guarantee that your child(ren) will not become exposed to or even infected with COVID-19 in the course of their use of the School’s childcare services and facilities.

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