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Your Child Can Now Learn and Play the Montessori Way Virtually

What does the word “virtual” mean to you? Here are a couple of definitions:

‘almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition.
“the virtual absence of border controls”.’
Virtual Montessori Program Online
In other words, not many border controls, but still a few.


not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.
“virtual images”.’

That’s not how it is at Learn And Play Montessori. Yes, we have virtual Montessori learning, by which we mean it is online. So it is not the same as taking your child to campus in the morning and leaving him or her to learn from a teacher who is physically there.

Sure, virtual Montessori is online, BUT there is one big difference. Virtual learning usually means looking at things that have been pre-recorded and are available to look at whenever you like. That’s not bad, as far as it goes, but all your child can do is to follow along with what is already there.

What if he has a question? A pre-recorded program cannot possibly answer it.

Our virtual Montessori program is very different because while we offer some classes that are pre-recorded, we also offer classes that are actually live on Zoom, Facebook, and so on. In other words, while your child is not physically in a classroom but is still at home, the teaching is still alive and happening at this moment. There is a real teacher there, live, on-screen. Our “virtual” classes allow the child to ask a question and get an answer there and then – in exactly the same way that he would if he was physically in the classroom. Except he isn’t.

The Montessori Method – Right From Home – Virtually and Online

What this means is that your child can get the benefit of the Montessori method right from home. If nothing else, it means that you don’t have to drive him to school and pick him up again afterward.

Virtual learning, or online learning, is part of the way forward after Covid-19. Let’s face it, it is still here, and we also don’t know whether there is going to be a “second wave”. In all likelihood, unless a vaccine can be found first, which is not likely, there will be. After all, it is a flu virus, and those have been around for over 100 years and are still going.

What you cannot do, as a responsible parent, is to let these things get in the way of your child’s schooling. Time has been lost over the last few months, and now it is time to catch up again in whatever way you can.

Our virtual Montessori program is one such way that can help you keep your child’s education on track.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!