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Winter Montessori Activities to Do with Your Kids

Although it may seem like winter entails being restricted to the indoors, various activities are fun for children to enjoy with you during the cold winter season. Obviously, in our campuses we use the Montessori method, and use Montessori-inspired methods to encourage STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning experiences. Parents often ask us how they can encourage learning experiences at home, especially as we approach the Winter Break. Remember: learning is a lifelong process!

Here are eight unique enjoyable activities you can do together:

Science Experiment: Crystal Snowflakes

Turn your home into a science lab with this hands-on science experiment! Growing salt crystal snowflakes does take a couple of days to take shape, but the result is worth the wait. For supplies, you will need table salt, hot water, a measuring cup and spoon, paper, and a tray or dish to keep your snowflakes in. Simply cut paper into a snowflake design and add the salt solution –a mixture of hot water and salt. Make sure to pour over the whole design, set it aside, and wait for your crystals to grow!

Seasonal Art Projects: Decorating Gingerbread

Arts and crafts are fun for children to get creative and practice fine motor skills. You only need paper, coloring pencils, and imagination in this activity! Create a gingerbread outline out of paper and let your child get creative in decorating. Whether it be using leftover construction paper or crayons and markers, this activity allows children to have fun while using their artistic abilities to create something new.

Learning How to Put on Winter Gear

Learning how to properly put on a sweater was a focus throughout our November curriculum. Knowing how to perform practical life skills builds a child’s confidence to be independent and take the initiative to accomplish tasks alone. This winter season, challenge your little ones to put on their coats on their own.

Baking Treats

Practical life skills are practiced year-round at LAPMS. Teaching our students how to carry a tray, pour liquid, use a whisk, and set the table are some prime focuses in our Montessori practical life curriculum. Baking goods always seem to be extra special during the winter holiday season –allow your children to help bake cookies and see how well they can assist with these tasks.

Montessori Activity: Tong Transfer

The Montessori tong transfer activity is a fun way for children to practice their fine motor skills. This engaging exercise uses 1 set of tongs, 2 bowls, and cotton balls. At our schools, we like to add some excitement to this activity by telling our students that cotton balls are snowballs! The objective of this activity is to use the tongs to transfer the snowballs from one bowl to another.

Seasonal Art Projects: Creating a Snowman

Put your cotton balls to use again with this art project! On a piece of paper have your little one glue cotton balls together to create a 3-D snowman! Use paper to complete the rest of your snowman’s decorations or be extra creative and find little twigs or rocks for the snowman’s hands and eyes!

Nature Walks

Nature walks are great for getting fresh air, looking around, and noticing wildlife around you. With your child, you can point out how trees look like during this time of the year versus during the summer. You may notice more deer on your nature walks -or- the absence of certain wildlife.

Winter Storytime

For the days when the outdoors is too gloomy, you can lead your little one into a world of wonder by reading to them. With the countless children’s books that are published with many adventures to be had indoors!

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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