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We are Grateful for our Book Donations!

Dear LAPMS Families and Friends,

Happy Lunar New Year!

We, the administration and staff would like to thank you for your book donations during our Readathon Week! Some of these books are included in our Library and Resource Center and some are in the classroom library for the children. We are still accepting book donations.

We are delighted to see parents ordering online Scholastic Books! The more books we order the more points we can get for the school for free books. When you order online, student orders add up towards bonus points for the school. Students who have placed an order received their Scholastic Books last Friday, and they are located in the student’s classroom. Each child who received his/her books last Friday had a free book and a book mark!
Parents may place their orders online anytime, and when new scholastic flyers are received by the school and placed in your child’s folder. Please note that we usually wait until more students place their orders before we finalize it on our end. This allows parents a chance to place their orders, and so that bonus points accumulate. Larger orders result in more bonus points!

Thank you for your generosity and unending support!

Have a wonderful day!

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