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Unveiling the Future of Commerce: Learn And Play® and the ICSC@Monterey 2024


From March 25th to 27th, 2024, the Monterey Conference Center in Monterey, CA, buzzed with energy as industry leaders, innovators, and changemakers convened for ICSC@Monterey. Organized by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), this event aimed to explore the future of commerce and its impact on communities.

Under the guidance of Stephen LaBonge, Director of Real Estate at CVS Pharmacy, participants engaged in dynamic discussions and gained insights from top retailers like Dunkin, Panera Bread, and Safeway. These brands not only shared their expansion strategies but also shed light on market trends and consumer preferences.

Among the participants, Learn And Play® Montessori School stood out, clinching the “Best Runway Presenter” award. Jennifer Mackie, the Director of Acquisitions, Strategy & Growth, captivated the audience with the school’s innovative approach to education and expansion plans. Learn And Play® Montessori School, renowned for its pioneering spirit in education, demonstrated how innovation can drive success in any industry. This event and award mark just the beginning of their journey towards shaping the future of education and commerce.

ICSC@Monterey wasn’t just about listening; it was about forging connections and catalyzing deals. Participants seized the opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and explore collaborations, leaving with fresh perspectives and new connections. As the event concluded, participants departed with a deeper understanding of the evolving commerce landscape and a renewed sense of purpose.

ICSC@Monterey showcased the industry’s resilience and adaptability, paving the way for a future built on innovation, community engagement, and meaningful partnerships. In the spirit of ICSC’s mission to advance the shopping center industry, ICSC@Monterey proved to be a catalyst for change, inspiring participants to shape the future of commerce for years to come. With Learn And Play® Montessori School leading the charge, the possibilities for innovation and growth are limitless.

You can explore Jennifer Mackie’s main insights in a different blog post we’ve published, delving into the topic of “The Future of Retail and Community: Insights from an Entrepreneurial Gathering.”

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