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Unlocking the Montessori Experience: A Comprehensive Onboarding Journey

Embarking on a new journey in the realm of Montessori education can be both exciting and challenging. For teachers joining our team, the corporate office onboarding serves as a crucial initiation into the world of Montessori philosophy and practices. Many educators may enter without prior Montessori experience, making this introduction an invaluable foundation for their future classrooms.

Cultivating a Montessori Culture: The Core Purpose of Onboarding

The primary goal of our onboarding program is to immerse teachers in the unique ethos of Montessori education. Beyond a set of teaching methods, Montessori is a holistic approach that values each child’s individuality, fosters independence, and encourages a love for learning. By bringing teachers into the corporate office for training, we provide them with an opportunity to not only understand the principles but also to become acquainted with our organizational culture.

Hands-On Learning: Montessori Materials and Techniques

During the onboarding process, teachers experience firsthand training with Montessori materials. These materials, carefully designed to engage children in self-directed learning, become the tools that teachers use to guide their students. This interactive experience allows educators to familiarize themselves with the materials they’ll be utilizing in their classrooms, ensuring a seamless transition from training to teaching.

Comprehensive Training: Beyond Montessori Principles

Our onboarding day is more than just an introduction to Montessori. It serves as a platform for teachers to undergo essential training sessions that are crucial for their roles. This includes mandated reporter training, pesticide training, and anti-harassment training. These sessions not only comply with legal requirements but also equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment.

Building State Files: Onboarding Requirements for Schools

A significant aspect of the onboarding day is the completion of requirements that contribute to the teachers‘ state files. These files, a prerequisite at our schools, encompass all necessary documentation and certifications, streamlining the administrative process and ensuring that teachers are ready to step into their classrooms with confidence.

Montessori Overview: Understanding the Foundations

To ensure a strong foundation in Montessori principles, the onboarding includes an overview covering the following key areas:

  1. What is Montessori?: A deep dive into the philosophy and principles that underpin Montessori education.
  2. Classroom Management: Strategies for creating an environment that promotes independent learning and cooperation.
  3. Behavior Management: Techniques for guiding children toward positive behaviors, fostering a harmonious classroom atmosphere.

Navigating the Learn And Play Systems: Paylocity and Employee Handbook Training

In addition to Montessori principles, our onboarding extends to the practical aspects of our organization. Teachers receive training on the systems we have in place for Learn And Play, including:

  1. Paylocity: An overview of our payroll and HR system, ensuring teachers are familiar with the tools they’ll be using.
  2. Employee Handbook: A comprehensive guide to our policies, procedures, and expectations, creating a cohesive understanding among our teaching staff.

In conclusion, our onboarding day is a pivotal step in the journey of our educators. By integrating Montessori principles with practical training and administrative requirements, we strive to equip our teachers with the knowledge, skills, and cultural awareness necessary for success in their classrooms and within our organization. Together, we nurture a community dedicated to providing the best possible educational experience for our students.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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