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Fun Things to Do in the East Bay for a Spring Weekend with Kids!

Spring is springing!  Well, at least it’s trying after all that rain we’ve had here lately in the Easy Bay.  The forecast is for good weather, at least until Sunday! Here are some “indoor” and “outdoor” fun things to do with kids in the Bay Area. Get those kids (and yourself) away from phones, TV, and all that stress that’s built up during the week. Get out and enjoy one of the best places to live in the whole world: The San Francisco Bay Area. Here are our recommendations for this weekend (in no particular order):

As you enjoy one of these attractions (or one of your own choosing), remember the use the “Montessori Method.” Meaning – no pressure. Let the kids explore and have fun. Don’t have an “agenda.” If they want to spend lots of time at one place in the museum, let them. If they want to just do one thing, let them. Talk and share with your kids about the experience. What did they like? Dislike? What was fun, amazing, beautiful? Our mission at Learn & Play Montessori is to help kids get motivated for a “lifetime” of learning. Learning is fun, and we hope that you instill that “love of learning” in your kids even when they are “just having fun.”

Spring is (almost) here, so have a great weekend!

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