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The Foundation of Learning Is Preschool, and the Best Is Montessori

Preschool literally means “before school” and it is the foundation of all learning. It is what your kids do up to the age of six before going into higher education. At Learn And Play Montessori we have preschools in Dublin and Danville, and no fewer than five in Fremont – in Niles, Peralta, Irvington, and Maple, with a new one just about to open in South Fremont. online MontessoriSo wherever you live in the East Bay, we have a preschool for your child which is convenient. We also offer convenient online Montessori options.

Before your child begins school, you need to set him off on the right foot for a lifetime of learning, and the Montessori method is the best way to achieve exactly that. The Montessori method of learning is based on the well-held principle that every child is unique and is to be respected as such.

All of our preschools have large classrooms and also large playgrounds because we love to let the children play outside and commune with nature whenever they can. The classrooms themselves are stacked with Montessori materials of all sorts, and the way that it works is that the children are let loose to walk around the room as they please until they find something which interests them. It could be any one of the huge numbers of different pieces available.

The Child Learns Because He Finds It Interesting

When the child finds something of interest, he or she can then play with it and explore it and find out what it is and what it does – if indeed it does something. The point is that each child is learning about something because he finds it interesting and if you find something interesting you want to do more of it.

You might like golf, or knitting, or baseball, or shopping, or gardening, but whatever it is that “turns you on” – as they say – you want to do more of it. It is the same thing exactly with the Montessori method: the child is learning about something because he wants to learn about it, rather than learning about something because he has been told to, even though he may find that totally boring.

So our preschool at Learn And Play Montessori School sets your child off on a lifetime exploration of finding out about things and learning for the sake of learning because he very quickly comes to love doing it. What could possibly be a better foundation for later schooling to come?

If you would like to find out more about what we do and how well the children love it, we would be delighted to offer you a school tour at the campus of your choice. You will be able to see the children for yourself, and we can answer all your questions.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!