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The Best Preschool in San Ramon is Learn And Play Montessori, and It’s in Danville

If you are looking for the best preschools in San Ramon for your child (and who wouldn’t?) you will obviously include Learn And Play Montessori in either Dublin or Danville in your list. Best preschools in San Ramon.And you would be quite right to do so because the Montessori Method of teaching is very different from the mainstream.

Developed over 100 years ago, the Montessori Method looks at each child as an individual, rather than just as part of a class. If you think about it this is logical, because every person is an individual and is different from the next person, yet mainstream teaching has a tendency to treat all children the same. You need to learn math, so we have a math class. You need to learn biology, so we have a biology class. And so on.

However, herein lies the problem when you are looking for the best preschools in San Ramon. Some children do not like math, will struggle with it, will probably not pass their exams in it, and will probably never use it in their adult life other than the basics of being able to count, and check that their bank balance is correct. Those same children may absolutely LOVE biology and the natural world, and will perhaps go on to become zookeepers, farmers, tree surgeons, horticulturalists, or one of many other careers that could follow on from a love of biology.

Every Child Is An Individual and the Best Preschool in San Ramon is the One that Works for Your Child

The simple fact is that every child is an individual from the moment of birth. He or she may have inherited some genes from the parents which may take them in a certain direction, but with the Montessori Method they get a CHOICE from a very early age. Yes, it is important to learn basic math, but quite frankly how many people ever use algebra or trigonometry in their adult life? 99.9% of people probably don’t and never will, yet learning it – or rather struggling to understand it – was forced upon us when at school.

The Montessori Method lets children find their own path and learn at their own pace. No child is forced to do anything they don’t want to do, but rather encouraged to do the things that they do want to do. The result of this is that they grow to have a love of learning for its’ own sake. They learn because they WANT to learn rather than because they are told to.

So if you want your child to attend one of the best preschools in San Ramon, come and talk to us at Learn And Play Montessori. Spend a little time and watch one of our classes in action and see what you think.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!