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Nurturing Curiosity and Innovation: Exploring STEM in Montessori Education

In the dynamic world of education, the Montessori approach stands out for its emphasis on hands-on learning, self-directed exploration, and fostering a lifelong love for learning. When combined with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) principles, Montessori education takes on a new dimension, where children’s natural curiosity and innovative thinking are nurtured from a young age. In this article, we delve into how we implement STEM experiments in our Montessori school to inspire young minds and ignite a passion for discovery.

At our Montessori school, we believe that the core principles of Montessori education align seamlessly with the foundations of STEM learning. Both philosophies emphasize experiential learning, critical thinking, and hands-on engagement. Our classrooms are designed to foster independence and creativity, providing an ideal environment for children to explore STEM concepts in a meaningful way.

Some of the STEM Experiments in Our Montessori School this September:early childhood education can foster STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in Fremont

In the coming weeks, the children will be exploring a few Montessori + STEM based experiments to continue to nurture the child’s exposure to discovering new STEM-related concepts and materials.

  • Electricity: LED Experiment with Playdough – The children will learn about the basics of electricity and how it flows through playdough to conduct electricity
  • Optical: Concave/Convex – They will learn about the basics of reflection and observe how a flexible mirror can distort reflection
  • Chemistry: Chromatography Paper – Through coffee filters, the children will learn about the basics of separating mixtures and observe how different colors of ink separate into their component parts when placed on a piece of paper

Experiments form the heart of our STEM curriculum. We create an environment where students can actively engage with scientific concepts, encouraging them to ask questions, make predictions, and test hypotheses. These hands-on experiences allow children to learn through their senses, honing their observation skills and fostering a deep understanding of the scientific method.

Our Montessori STEM curriculum isn’t just about teaching facts and figures. It’s about nurturing a lifelong curiosity about the world around us. By providing children with the tools to explore, question, and innovate, we aim to cultivate a generation of thinkers, problem-solvers, and leaders who are equipped to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. Through the marriage of Montessori principles and STEM education, we empower our students to be curious, confident, and capable learners.

Starting Early: The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in Montessori at 18 Months

The journey of education is a remarkable one, and when it comes to the early years of a child’s life, the impact is profound. Imagine the world through your child’s eyes, where every moment is a chance to explore, learn, and grow. At our Montessori school, we believe in nurturing this innate curiosity from the very beginning. Enrolling your child as early as 18 months can set the stage for a lifelong love of learning, independence, and holistic development. Let’s delve into why starting early in a Montessori environment can be one of the best gifts you give to your child.

18 months daycare program in Fremont, Dublin, and Danville


Emotional Development: Our Learn And Play® Montessori classrooms create an emotionally safe place for the children. Your toddler will be with a loving and nurturing teacher whose focus is to help your child transition to our environment as a first step. Our teachers are trained to demonstrate respect and compassion by using low-tone voices, eye contact, and addressing your child by their name to gain their trust.

Social Development: Our toddler programs have been designed to foster a secure and inspiring environment where toddlers can learn grace and courtesy. During classroom activities and supervised play outdoors, teachers introduce critical social skills such as taking turns, following directions, sharing, and basic etiquette (e.g., saying “please” and “thank you”).

Physical Development: We provide children with plenty of opportunities to develop and hone their large and fine motor skills. Our outdoor activities are designed to allow toddlers to engage in fun activities such as climbing, jumping, and balancing. Additionally, our Montessori classrooms offer engaging opportunities that encourage the development of fine motor movements.

Enrolling your child in Montessori at the tender age of 18 months is a commitment to their future. We offer 18 month daycare programs in Fremont, Dublin, and Danville – so please reach out to discuss your options. It’s a decision that nurtures their natural curiosity, fosters their independence, and sets the stage for a lifetime of meaningful learning experiences. At our Montessori school, we understand the incredible potential that lies within every child. By embarking on this journey early, you’re providing them with the tools they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Join us in creating a foundation for a lifetime of success and joy in learning. Enroll your child today, and let the adventure begin.

Embracing the Excitement: Getting Ready for Fall 2023!

Fall 2023 is just around the corner, and there’s an undeniable sense of excitement in the air. Nature’s palette is about to transform, and so are our lives, as we gear up for a season filled with vibrant experiences and new beginnings.

So, as we bid adieu to the success of the LAPMSsummer program 2023, we prepare to embrace the beauty of fall, let’s welcome the changing season with open hearts and open minds. With excitement and wonder, let’s step into Fall 2023 and savor all that it has to offer.

Fall back to school to preschool, daycare, and childcare in Fremont, Dublin, and Danville, California - Mom shows her child a welcome sign.

Here are some tips on a smooth transition for going back to school this fall:

  • Open Communication: Begin by discussing the upcoming changes with your child. Montessori education encourages independence, so involving your child in the process fosters a sense of responsibility. Explain the new routine, emphasize the positive aspects of school, and address any concerns your child might have.
  • Introduce Practical Skills: Montessori philosophy emphasizes the development of practical life skills. Prepare your child for school by practicing activities such as putting on their own shoes and coat, using the bathroom independently, and packing their backpack with necessary items.
  • Create a Morning Routine: Establishing a consistent morning routine can help ease the transition. Encourage your child to wake up at a consistent time, have a healthy breakfast, and engage in calming activities before leaving for school.

As you prepare your child for this school year, remember to integrate Montessori principles into your home routine. Engaging in seasonal activities together not only nurtures your child’s curiosity and creativity but also strengthens your parent-child bond. By embracing the fall season with enthusiasm and a Montessori mindset, you’ll be setting the stage for a fulfilling educational experience for your child.

Our Mission For Your Toddlers

Early childhood education is crucial for laying the foundation for a child’s success in life. With studies suggesting that 90% of brain development occurs within the first five years of life, it is imperative that children receive quality education starting at a young age. At this age, children’s brains are still developing and are highly receptive to learning, making it an ideal time to introduce them to new ideas and concepts. [Read more…] about Our Mission For Your Toddlers

Open House for Learn and Play Montessori (Fremont, Dublin, Danville)

We are excited and well-prepared for new families to join our Open House on June 24th from 10 am – 1 pm at Centerville, Niles, Maple, Irvington, South Fremont, Dublin, and Danville to explore our unique educational approach! This is a great opportunity to meet our dedicated staff and learn why our Montessori program is the perfect choice for your child’s early education. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the Montessori difference firsthand!

  • Discover the Montessori method – Montessori is an innovative method of observing and supporting the natural development of children. Montessori educational practice helps children develop creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking and time-management skills, and care for the environment and each other. Our Montessori Toddler, Preschool, PreK, and Kindergarten classrooms are designed to promote self-directed learning, hands-on exploration, and a deep connection with the environment.
  • Discover our summer program – During this two-month program, our children will learn how to save the ocean environment, fish, starfish, sea horses, sea turtles, jellyfish, octopus, squids, wakes, sharks, dolphins, lobster, crabs, shrimp, and marine plants.
  • Discover our STEM program – Our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) program emphasizes hands-on exploration and inquiry-based learning. Through engaging activities, experiments, and projects, we provide opportunities for your child to actively explore scientific concepts, discover the wonders of technology, apply engineering principles, and develop a solid foundation in mathematical thinking.
  •  Discover much more! Parents can also learn more about the school’s focus on social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

If you’re in the market for a best-in-class program for your little one (from daycare/childcare to preschool to kindergarten), please reach out. If you can’t make the “open house,” you can also schedule a school tour.  Just contact us.

A Higher Purpose to Service after COVID and Cancer

A Higher Purpose to Service after COVID and Cancer

On a warm Spring morning in Fremont California, a new preschool was welcomed into the community. Surrounded by friends, parents, and civic leaders, Founders Kiran and Harpreet Grewal did their best to reflect on this particular achievement. “I always thought to myself, I’m always going to stay in the background and stay humble because the teachers do so much more,” said co-founder Harpreet Grewal. [Read more…] about A Higher Purpose to Service after COVID and Cancer

Learn and Play Montessori Features STEM Learning to Help Advance Kids in Education

The Montessori method is an educational approach that emphasizes individualized learning and hands-on exploration. Developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori in the early 20th century, the method emphasizes the importance of allowing children to learn at their own pace, with a focus on independence, self-motivation, and a sense of personal responsibility. [Read more…] about Learn and Play Montessori Features STEM Learning to Help Advance Kids in Education

Montessori campus is near several neighborhoods and the 880 Freeway

The New Centerville Campus Is in the Heart of Fremont

Fremont is a dynamic, growing community, and we realized more than just one Montessori school is needed. That’s why we are proud to share the opening of a new Learn & Play Montessori school at the Centerville Campus. [Read more…] about The New Centerville Campus Is in the Heart of Fremont

STEM Education Begins Early in Our Montessori Schools

If you are looking at a Montessori program for your preschooler, you may already understand we are different from other early childcare programs. Our Bay Area pre-k schools are not just a place to keep your child while you are at work. [Read more…] about STEM Education Begins Early in Our Montessori Schools

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