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Science Fair Project Guidelines!

Happy Friday!

Our goal of holding a Science Fair Family Project is to give our children the opportunity to discover how things work using the scientific method. It stimulates their imagination and critical thinking that build their confidence and learn to appreciate the world around them.

• Registration: Register the name of the child and write the topic by signing up in the science fair project sheet in your child’s classroom. Deadline for registration: Friday, March 18, 2016.

• Family Science Fair Project: A family member or an adult is advised to assist the child complete this project.

• Science Project Participants: Pre-K and Kindergarten children only. (Four and a half years old and above.)

• Follow safety procedures in doing the experiment: Safety first before you begin your experiment. Wear goggles and hand gloves and make sure that the child is supervised by an adult. Wash hands after doing the experiment and clean the area to avoid any contamination. Participants MAY NOT bring dangerous or hazardous chemicals, flammable materials, and live animals to school.

• Experimental Method: Do an experiment using the steps of the Scientific Method where the child must do a test or experiment to determine the answer to a question.

• Parents encourage their children to do an experiment as opposed to demonstration or model project.

• Display board: The scientific method will be mounted on a small sized tri-fold display board (28 in. x 40 in.) or 71 cm. x 101.6 cm.) that can be purchased at office supply stores. A sample of the science fair project will be displayed in the lobby.

• Contents of the display board: Topic, Materials Used, Problem/Question, Testable Hypothesis/Prediction, Observation and Outcome/Results.

• Family Science Project Presentation: On Wednesday at 9:00 A.M., the children will bring their display board to the classroom to be presented to their classmates.

• Science Fair Open House: The science fair projects will be displayed in the courtyard in the afternoon for our families and friends to view from 1:00 P.M.- 4:00 P.M.

• Display Boards Clean-Up: The display boards and all the materials used in the Science fair will be taken home at the end of the day.
Science Project Guidelines will be emailed and posted in your child’s classroom. Thank you for encouraging your child to participate in this event.

Please let us know your questions and concerns. Have a great weekend!

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