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Public Preschools in Fremont, Danville, and Dublin May Be ‘Free,’ but Don’t You Want the Best for Your Child?

Are you kidding? As a certain tennis player of years gone by used to say: “You cannot be serious?!!” When it comes to the education of your children, surely you want the best? If you want the best for your child, you don’t want free preschoolSure, you can get cheap public preschool in Fremont, CA. In fact, you can go one better because you can get free preschools in Fremont, CA. The public ones. And they don’t come any cheaper than that!

But when it comes to your kid, you cannot go for the cheapest preschool in Fremont. If you are a bit stretched, as many people are at the moment, then a “cheap” car might do for a bit. Or you might search about and get cheap car insurance – just as long as it covers you for what you need.

But cheap preschools in Fremont, CA? No way, San Jose! We’re being tongue-in-cheek here, but realistically there are not just pros but also cons to public preschools not just in Fremont but in Danville and Dublin. Public preschools are actually pretty good – the challenge is often the hours and the student/teacher ratio.

Your Child Deserves the Very Best Preschool

Your child deserves the very best preschool in Fremont, Danville, or Dublin, that he or she can get, and that means Learn and Play Montessori. No, we are not free. But we are affordable. And we provide the learning that your child needs in order to get off to the right start in life, which at that point is critical.

Certainly, it may be that you didn’t have the best start in life. But that is an even greater reason why you should ensure that your child does have the best. You may know what it is like to come from a poor background. You may not be earning a fortune yourself. But if you have to do a few hours overtime to make certain that your child has the best, so be it.

Not only that, but we are convenient for parents who have to work. How can you handle a short day when you have to pick your child up at 3.00 pm if you don’t finish work until 5.00? What do you do in the summer when the public preschools close down for heaven knows how long? Everyone knows that the traffic on 880 and 680 in and around Fremont is pretty bad.

We don’t close down in the summer, and we open at 7.00 am and stay open until 6.30 pm, so no matter your work hours, we are convenient for you, unlike the cheap preschools in Fremont, CA. Or even the free ones!

Most important of all, your child gets to learn the Montessori way. We cannot possibly over-emphasize the importance of this.

If you are not familiar with the Montessori method of learning and you would like to find out more, then we invite you to take a school tour at any of our Fremont campuses – whichever is most convenient for you – and we can answer all your questions.

You’ll be glad that you did. We have open houses throughout the year, and are always ready for a school tour at one of our preschools in Fremont, Danville, and Dublin.  Just call first.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!