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Stepping Into a New Year of New Opportunity

A new year can offer a clean slate! Our team is ecstatic to have a clean slate for 2025, a year to fill with new memories, accomplishments, and adventures with our kids from daycare / childcare, to preschool, to kindergarten and beyond. Most of all, we are grateful to continue opening our doors to new and returning students, as we highly cherish the the opportunity to share the Montessori + STEM methodology with kids and parents.

Whether your child is enrolled in one of our Montessori or Play-Based campuses, our teachers are dedicated to providing guidance and creating a secure, nurturing environment while providing tools to foster a love for learning. LAPMS prides itself on its enriching educational environment, and we are ready to take on 2025 with you.

The curriculum we offer within our Toddler, Preschool, and Kindergarten programs is packed with academic subjects that will lay the foundation for educational success later on. At the earliest level, children are encouraged to know their letter sounds, be able to recognize various shapes, and understand number symbols and their quantities. At each of our LAPMS locations, we provide opportunities for our toddler students to develop their large and fine motor skills. These skills are not only practiced during outdoor playtime but also reinforced in the classroom through engaging activities like playing with Play-Doh, using instruments, and learning how to pass a ball. At our Play-Based locations this play time is referred to as dramatic play and is designed to master critical skills such as communication and social skills. We are excited to teach our students life, physical, and earth science this year through hands-on experiments such as plant care, sink and float activities, and teaching all about the weather and seasons. Our goal within our toddler classrooms is to support each child’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth. This year, our toddlers will explore the alphabet, letter by letter.


This year our preschoolers will be given Montessori inspired practical life and sensorial lessons that will be able to teach them about self-care, hand-eye coordination, care for the environment, and mannerism. Our preschool curriculum prepares children for more complex learning within cultural studies, history, geography, language, and STEM focused activities. We are excited to share the lesson from the fable, “The Hare and The Tortoise,” discover where marsupials live during zoology, and become scientists during our science experiments this year. Our Play-Based locations will engage in their own journey by learning through play. Our discovery areas offer materials that our students can engage and experiment with and teach them concepts such as weight, measurement, cause and effect, shapes, and so much more. We are excited to continue tabletop area time where our students can participate in numerous activities within a controlled environment. Our nurturing atmosphere has proven to be an effective early education method and Learn And Play is eager to grow with our students this year.


Our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten curriculum supports the social, physical, intellectual, and emotional development of each child. It is during this chapter in our students’ lives where they are challenged with new tasks, and our teachers are ready to provide any necessary assistance while maintaining our philosophy of valuing each child’s independence and creativity. Our Kindergarten and TK students are accompanied by different level math books this year that will challenge them to reach higher goals and prepare them for the next grade level. Language studies will cover reading, writing, oral presentation including student presentations, and literature. At our Play-Based campuses, students will be able to learn scientific concepts such as classifying, observing, and forming hypothesis through hands-on play. Number to quantity association and geometry is another exciting lesson our students will creatively absorb. The kindergarten year highlights critical thinking, independence, comprehension, and preparedness for elementary.

LAPMS is ecstatic to take on the new year with our community. We have so many exciting lessons planned and can’t wait to guide our students through all the learning and growth ahead. Here’s to a fantastic year filled with success and discovery! With campuses throughout Fremont, Danville, Dublin, Milpitas, Sunnyvale… and many other locations throughout the Bay Area, we can service your family with best-in-class Montessori + STEM educational opportunities. Reach out today for a “school tour.”

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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