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Montessori Students Are Empowered To Lead With Purpose

Many Bay Area residents consider leadership traits essential to their success. Parents are already modeling leadership to their children as leaders in their jobs and community. San Ramon, California, preschoolWhen they choose one of schools – whether in Fremont, Danville, Dublin, Milpitas, or Pleasant Hill – they are searching for a best-in-class early education. And as seriously as we take our ability to prepare children in the classroom, we understand a child’s social skills are just as crucial to their success. We nurture and guide young students through social activities and leadership fundamentals.

Every child who walks through our doors bring unique talents and have limitless potential. It’s our Montessori teams’ belief we can help put them on the path to becoming successful leaders in their future communities. As we interact with them, we encourage supportive behaviors like kindness and teamwork. Children naturally empathize with others, so our Montessori teachers find it easy to help direct and support good leadership skills.

Being a thought leader while developing strong social behaviors helps introduce the concept of “purpose.” And solid, purposeful leaders are highly sought-after.

Here’s an example. The Stanford Research Center found 85% of career success comes from having solid people skills, or “soft skills.” In fact, according to a recent LinkedIn Study, 89% of recruiters note that some hires need more soft skills to work out. Yes, your child might not join the workforce for another couple of decades, but soft skills are always trending. And leaders with a combination of education, skills, and social understanding have a bright future!

Since we support children from 18 months to 9 years old, that’s plenty of time to help instill the groundwork for valuable leadership skills. Here are a few of the top leadership skills we teach our Montessori preschool children;

  • Integrity: We work to instill honesty and trust in our little students via daily social interactions with adults and other children.
  • Empathy: There are moments throughout the day where children are encouraged to help others. If another child is sad or struggling, Montessori teachers encourage others to help and lift that child up.
  • Strategic Thinking: STEM lessons and any activity brings opportunities for creative problem solving an new discovery.
  • Communication: Montessori students are encouraged to speak respectfully and share their feelings and thoughts. They also learn to compassionately listen to others.

Bay Area Parents can come and take a tour of our campus to see our teaching method in action. We’re super excited as well about our “Centerville Megacampus.” Our goal for all the children who walk through our door is to help them be the leaders of tomorrow.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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