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Mathematics: Learning Math the Montessori Way

Learn And Play® Montessori School provides unique educational opportunities that differ from those offered by traditional schools. Our Montessori approach values self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play, while engaging the minds of our young lifelong learners. In this post, let’s discuss how we teach math the Montessori way, in age-appropriate, fun, and engaging ways. Montessori math materials allow our students to explore mathematical concepts in a way traditional education approaches may lack.

Spindle Boxes

For children three years old and younger, Spindle Boxes are an effective tool in teaching basic math concepts such as counting, number recognition, place value, and the value of zero. The box consists of compartments labeled zero to nine and is accompanied by a separate container that stores forty-five wooden spindles. The student must fill each compartment with the appropriate number of spindles. This visual allows our students to see that numbers can represent quantities. For children younger than three years old, fine motor skills are developing with this exercise. Following our philosophy, children can independently work on this hands-on task.

Number Rods with Numeral Cards

Playfully introducing complex ideas allows the child to find discovering mathematical curriculum exciting. Montessori number rods come in a set of ten and are divided into equally sized red and blue sections allowing students to visually see the rod getting larger as the number increases introducing the concept of measurement. Adding numeral place cards to this activity teaches the child to associate the number symbols with the physical quantity. Depending on the student’s level of mastery, the teacher may assign different activities using these materials.

Bead Stair

Another popular tool we use here at Learn And Play Montessori School is the bead stair. Sticking with the numbers one through nine, this instrument consists of nine segments of beads, each in a distinct color representing a number value. The first lesson instructed to our students with this tool is linear counting. Using the beads, the child can arrange each segment into a triangle by correctly counting one through nine. Following the Montessori Method, allowing the child to start this exercise on their own, gives the child the power to recognize if they made any errors by simply seeing if the triangle has been properly formed. Later in their academic journey, the students may use bead segments to assist them in multiplying numbers.

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