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March is Here Already, and You Knew This was Going to Happen

Well you just knew this was going to happen, didn’t you? March is here already – in fact it is heading towards April- and your child is growing up. They do have a tendency to come on in leaps and bounds faster than you would expect. So he or she needs a top quality preschool in Fremont to start off on the right road.A quality preschool in Fremont, California

Can we recommend something? Don’t procrastinate any longer. Stop by at one of our Fremont preschools for a campus tour and see just how well the kids get on here. We have four Learn And Play Montessori Schools in Fremont, in Niles, Peralta, Maple, and Irvington, so wherever you live in Fremont there is one near you. This is ultra-convenient if you have to commute because we open early in the morning at 7.00 am and don’t close until 6.30 pm, so you can drop your child off on the way to work and pick him or her up again on the way home. What could be more convenient?

We value the independence and creativity of every child here and we follow the Montessori guidelines closely at our Fremont preschools, so each child engages in activities of his own choosing and works at his own pace. The children learn, play, solve problems, and develop self-discipline using their own choice of all the beautiful Montessori materials that we provide, so they very quickly learn to love learning because they are doing what they WANT to do. If you want to do something it follows that you will do more of it.

The Children Do Not Sit And Listen To A Teacher Talking

The children don’t sit at desks or cross-legged on the floor listening to a teacher talking to them. They experiment with things and find out for themselves. The teacher watches each child and when he is ready will introduce further materials for him to experiment with.

This means that there is no sense of competition with other children at our Fremont preschools because they are doing different things. There are no expectations that a child will or must reach a certain stage at a certain time because they only move onwards when they are ready to, not when a teacher has decided that they must.

Our curriculum is designed to incorporate activities in areas of practical life, sensorial, math, language, science, geography, music, art and a second language which in our case is Spanish. This, of course, is of particular use to those living in the Bay Area. We have large, airy classrooms with extended windows so that we get as much natural light as possible, and our teachers are all Montessori-trained, so they are dedicated to putting the child’s interests first which leads to a well-rounded child with self-esteem.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

Schedule a Tour
Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!