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Many Parents Are Homeschooling via Montessori: Learn and Play Montessori Can Help

At Learn And Play Montessori, we have always believed in keeping one step ahead of the game. You might think that when it comes to a young child’s early education everything is much the same as it was 20 years ago, 50 years ago, or even more. Otherwise, why Montessori? After all, it dates back to the 1940s for heaven’s sake!Montessori Homeschool

Well, you would be right, and you would be wrong. Nothing stays the same forever, and that goes for Montessori as well. But what does stay the same are the principles behind the Montessori method of learning.

Sure, things have changed over the years. Back in the 1940s, hardly anybody had a car. Only the rich could afford them. Today, everybody and his dog has one. We didn’t have television. (Can you imagine that? No TV???).

But everybody needed to eat. Farmers produced beef, lamb, pork, lettuce, potatoes, cabbage, leeks, apples, oranges, bananas, and much more in the 1940s, and they still do today. But the way in which they grow them has changed.

And so has the way in which we teach our children. Indeed, it has changed dramatically in the last six months. Because of Covid-19 many parents now have taken to homeschooling preschool for their child. You would never have imagined last Christmas that anything like that would ever happen. And to be fair, at Learn And Play Montessori, neither did we. It never crossed anyone’s mind – ours included.

But we are nothing if on the ball. As homeschooling preschool has become a new way for many parents, we quickly realized that we had to adapt. And adapt we have.

We still have our six campuses in the East Bay area, plus the new one we have just opened in South Fremont making a total of seven. And many parents still want their child to have face-to-face learning which is what we provide.

Virtual Remote Learning the Montessori Way

But we have now introduced our online virtual remote learning taught via Montessori-inspired methods, so that your child can have all of the benefits of the Montessori method without ever having to leave home if that is the way you prefer it. We provide a whole range of homeschooling preschool learning facilities so that you can ensure your child gets all the benefits of the Montessori method, but in the way that you prefer.

That means that you can still bring your child into one of our campuses to learn and play face to face with other children. But you can also take advantage of our online teaching via Facebook Live, Zoom, YouTube, and so on if you choose.

You can also use our new blended system where some are online, and some are face-to-face. We are here for you and your children. Our mantra is always to provide nothing less than the best for your children while fitting around your work/life needs.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!