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Learn and Play Montessori Is Providing Possibly the First Online Kindergarten

Fremont, California, parents are scrambling to find kindergarten alternatives. The public schools, understandably, are struggling to organize online, in-person, and blended options for kindergarten. It seems like things “change by the minute.” The world’s first online kindergarten?

At Learn And Play Montessori we are a couple of steps ahead, because we could see that life is going to be very different – the “new normal” as it is called. This is why we set up virtual learning for our children as soon as shutdown began because it is essential that your child is able to continue with his early education. Let’s face it, kindergarten is what the rest of your child’s education is based on: it is the very foundation.

Our online kindergarten in Fremont options provide online, blended, and face-to-face learning and can complement those offered in public schools.

Five Campuses In Fremont

We now have no fewer than five campuses in Fremont – in Niles, Maple, Irvington, Peralta, and our latest one in South Fremont – so wherever you live or work in the city or surrounds, one of our campuses is convenient for you. We take children from the ages of two to six and open at 7.00 am and remain open until 6.30 pm, so our hours will always fit around your working hours. All of our campuses have large and light classrooms and are full of top-quality Montessori materials.

We work on the basis that every child is different and learns at his or her own pace. There is no “one size fits all” at Learn And Play Montessori. Each child can select from the materials whatever catches his or her eye and play with them and explore them in order to learn more about them. This means that your child very quickly learns because he wants to learn, and this develops into a lifetime love of learning.

Obviously, our online kindergarten in Fremont cannot exactly duplicate every aspect of the physical classroom, but we have taken great care to develop a program that is not simply a list of pre-recorded classes but also includes live interactive classes for small groups on Facebook, Zoom, and so on. This means that your child can ask questions and get answers in much the same way as he would if he was physically in the classroom. Naturally, there are some things that we cannot provide in our online kindergarten in Fremont: for instance, all our campuses have beautiful playgrounds where the children can go outside and play and explore nature. We can’t provide that online. But we most certainly cover all the essentials.

At Learn And Play Montessori we have produced a blend of learning the Montessori way both physically and virtually. We would welcome you to take a tour of your nearest campus when we can meet with you and provide a learning program for your child that fits in with your lifestyle.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!