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Kindergarten Preparation

Dear LAPMS Niles Families and Friends,


We are pleased to inform you that we will be opening a second Kindergarten classroom at LAPMS Niles effective on September 2016 due to high demand.  Classroom 3 will become the second Kindergarten classroom.  The teachers are fully qualified and competent in teaching the Montessori materials.  The curriculum, policies and procedures for classroom 3 will be the same as classroom 2.


Kindergarten overview:  The children in the Kindergarten classrooms are mixed age groups of 4.5 through 6 years old.  The children in the Kindergarten classrooms do not have nap time.  Instead of nap time, the children will have cultural studies during the afternoon work period.  Please be informed that at the beginning of the school year 2016-2017, children who are five years old by September 1, 2016 will be considered Kindergarteners, and children who turn five years old after September 1, 2016 or are under five years old are considered Pre-K students.


Please notify the front desk if you decide to continue your child’s enrollment for Summer and/or Fall semester for the school year 2016-2017.  A 30-day notice is required if your child goes on vacation or if your child is withdrawing from school.


We continue to provide great opportunities to our families and their children with care and compassion.

Please speak to me or the front desk for questions and concerns.  Have a great day!

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