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It’s Learn and Play Montessori for the Best Fremont Preschool Choices

2021 is only just around the corner. Scary isn’t it? Another year almost gone. However, as we reach the New Year, at Learn And Play Montessori we are hoping that all of Fremont will be back to “in person” preschool, both public and private.A choice of Fremont preschool options at Learn And Play Montessori

Having said that, we are very much aware that many Fremont parents are frustrated with the “on again, off again” state of the public schools. It has got to the stage where they really don’t know whether they are coming or going, and it can be a real issue for parents who both have to work. Our strategy is more predictable, so you can be sure of a best-in-class Fremont preschool option for your child.

Indeed, we give you various options. In Fremont itself, we have no less than five campuses in Niles, Peralta, Irvington, Maple, and South Fremont, and they are all open, so there is bound to be a Learn And Play Montessori near you, wherever you live or work in Fremont.

We Offer You Options for Preschool in Fremont

However, as we said, we give you options, and we now have an online Fremont preschool for your child if you don’t want to / cannot get your child to one of our campuses. Furthermore, if you wish, you can “mix and match” by bringing your child to one of our campuses some of the time and using our online learning portal at other times. So you really do have the best of all options available to fit in with your requirements.

For our online learning we use Facebook Live and Zoom, and all classes are recorded, so if your child cannot attend live, he or she can play “catch up” on YouTube. Our online Fremont preschool for your child uses specially formulated Montessori materials to provide the best learning opportunity for math, art, science, second language (Spanish), geography, music, history, and practical life activities. These have all been developed using the best Montessori principles.

Of course, your child is welcome to come to one of our campuses in Fremont and use all the Montessori materials that we have there. We are operating strictly in accordance with all best practice and state and federal rules. In the classroom, your child is free to choose from the wide range of materials available and follow the Montessori principle that the child learns best when he/she is learning about something of interest. This very quickly leads a child to learn to love learning for the sake of learning.

Of course, all our campuses in Fremont have large playgrounds, and we let the children into them as often as possible so that they can play outside in the open air and get up closer to nature. You ae very welcome to drop by at any time and see just how well our children are doing.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!