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If You Prefer Private Preschooling for Your Fremont Child, It’s Not Easy

Many Fremont parents are excited about “back to school” – and not necessarily just for their child. It’s not so easy to find a private Fremont preschool.They’re excited to go back to work, get out of the house, and get their child into a best-in-class preschool. However, finding private preschools in Fremont, California, is not so easy.

But as luck would have it, at Learn And Play Montessori we have several campuses in Fremont, including our latest one in South Fremont which is on Fremont Blvd, near to Warm Springs and Irvington. Not only that, but we are shortly about to open another campus in Milpitas, so we have you covered wherever you are in Fremont. Our other campuses are in Irvington, Niles, Maple, and Peralta, and in addition we have campuses in Dublin and Danville. So, finding private preschools in Fremont, California, is not so hard as it used to be.

Our private preschools are so much better for working parents because our hours fit around you, rather than with the public schools where you are expected to fit around their hours. We are open from 7.00 am and we stay open until 6.30 pm, so are convenient whatever your working hours are. If you start late, you can drop your child off late and collect him late – up until 6.30, and if you start early, you can drop him off early at 7.00 and then collect again at any time that suits you.

Open All Year

Then, there is also the fact that we are open all year round. We don’t shut down for three months in the summer, leaving you wondering what to do with your child because you still have to go to work.

Equally important is that we use the Montessori method of learning which enables each child to engage with and learn about something that is of interest to him or her. Our wonderful, large, and airy classrooms are filled with top quality Montessori materials, and every child can simply wander around until he finds something interesting. Then he can take the material away, whatever it is, sit down and play with it, and explore it.

The effect of this is that it makes every child inquisitive and want to find out more about all sorts of different materials, so the children very quickly learn to love the process of learning for its’ own sake. It produces an enquiring mind, which is a skill that will be useful throughout life.

So, if you thought that finding preschools in Fremont, California, was going to be hard, we invite you to come along to any one of our campuses and see what we do and how well the children get on for yourself.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!