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If You Need Commuter-friendly Childcare for Alamo, Come to Danville

Alamo is one of the smaller cities in the East Bay, but lovely nonetheless. However, it is largely residential and finding Alamo childcare options in the city is not easy. This is why many Alamo residents come down to Danville and drop their child off at Learn And Play Montessori. In fact you could say that we are your nearest Alamo childcare, even though we are not technically in Alamo.Alamo commuter-friendly childcare

At Learn And Play Montessori we have several childcare facilities here on the East Bay, and Danville is our latest one. It is only a few minutes’ drive down the 680 and set in a wonderful Tudor style cottage building in lush green surroundings. There are no fewer than eight large airy classrooms for daycare, childcare, preschool, and kindergarten, and they are filled with sequenced and high-quality Montessori materials allowing for endless learning opportunities for those young inquisitive minds.

There is also a very large playground which is separated by age group and allows the children to play and learn about nature as they strengthen their gross motor skills at the same time. The playground is gated and very secure.

Dr. Maria Montessori believed, “Education is a natural process carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words, but by experiences in the environment.” In other words, children learn by doing and using all five senses rather than just sitting down listening to a teacher talking. The Montessori Method relies on watching each child as an individual and provides the child with the opportunity to learn what he wants to learn. He can select from the many materials that are available and explore them at his own pace.

No Requirement To “Perform” – Advantages of a Montessori Programs for Children

There is no requirement to “perform” or to keep up with others, because the others are doing different things. Children who are faster learners are not held back, either, because the teacher keeps a watchful eye on each child and introduces new materials and opportunities when it is considered that the child is ready to progress.

Each child can learn what he wants to learn and explore individually, or he can join a group. We have groups that span an age range of around three years, and the younger children can learn from the older ones who can guide them along the right lines, which in turn underwrites their own learning. The result of the Montessori Method is that the children learn because they want to learn, and they are doing things which interest them rather than learning something because they are told that they must do it.

If you live in Alamo and are looking for childcare, then come down to our facility at Danville and take a look around. We are open from 7.00 am to 6.30 pm, so very commuter-friendly.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!