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If You Are Looking for Preschools in Fremont, There Is a Lot of Choice

Fremont is a city of many choices. We have beautiful neighborhoods, great grocery stores, amazing parks, and an incredible diversity of cultures in our residents. Learn And Play Montessori is the best preschool choice in Fremont.What else do we have a lot of choice in? Preschools. If you are looking for a preschool in Fremont, California, there are public schools and private schools. And then there is Montessori – Learn And Play Montessori, to be precise.

We have no less than four preschools in Fremont, California, in Niles, Peralta, Maple, and Irvington, and another one in Fremont Blvd which is due to open shortly. That means that, wherever you live or work in Fremont, there is a Learn And Play Montessori for you. Furthermore, if you commute up the I-680, we have two more schools in Dublin and in Danville.

Unlike the public schools, we are ideal for working parents who need to commute. We take children from the ages of two until six, and we open at 7.00 am and stay open until 6.30 pm. No matter what your working hours are, we are convenient for your child, and we have a choice of programs for you so that you can choose the best preschool in Fremont, California, that fits around your working hours.

A Play-Based Approach to Learning

We use the Montessori approach to learning, which is play-based. Children are naturally inclined to play, and the Montessori method builds on this motivation by using play as a context for learning. This allows the child to explore, experiment, and come across problems and solve them in a playful way.

A play-based approach to learning allows the child to initiate learning and is supported by the teacher. So, for example, if the child is playing with blocks, the teacher can ask him or her questions which encourage problem-solving and prediction. “What do you think will happen if you place all the blocks on top of each other?” for example.

Play-based early years programs can be free play, which is a spontaneous activity initiated by the child, and it can also be guided play which is also initiated by the child but has the teacher involved as another player. Both have their benefits when it comes to the child’s learning. Playing also helps the child to enjoy learning and want to do more. It encourages curiosity, imagination, enthusiasm, and perhaps above all, persistence.

In short, the Montessori method teaches the child a lifelong love of learning for the sake of learning, and the earlier the child achieves that, the better.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!