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If Both Parents in a Fremont, Danville, or Dublin CA Family Need to Work, They Need Daycare for a Child

When mommy and/or daddy need to go back to work, parents often have to turn to looking for daycare options. Of course, one of those is for one parent to stay at home and look after the child. You have options for daycare in the East Bay

However, in today’s world it is often the case that both parents need to work in order to have sufficient income for a good lifestyle, and in that case other daycare options include perhaps a grandparent looking after the child. Another possibility could be an in-home daycare provider. Or you might consider taking on an au pair.

That said, you could also consider public school daycare. Ooops! We forgot. There’s no such thing available – at least, not until preschool.

But there is another choice when it comes to daycare options, and that is in-school daycare at a private school such as ourselves, at Learn and Play Montessori. We are proud to provide in-school daycare for parents in the East Bay.

A Lifelong Love of Learning

Our daycare programs are designed to set your child off on a lifelong love of learning. We do far more than just letting your child sit and play with blocks and do drawings. Obviously, that is something that they will do, but we want to focus on the brain development of your child. He or she is at the age when they are beginning to learn about the world around them, meet and play with other children, and start to build their own confidence. In fact, we aim to set the foundation of a love of learning using the Montessori method in age-appropriate fashion.

Our programs focus on subjects that children will learn when they enroll in school a year or so down the line. So, we include, math, visual arts, physical arts, movement, language, and science, with the aim of preparing them for the years to come and ensuring that they get off to a flying start. Your child will learn off of flash cards, play with puzzles, begin to learn to read, and learn vocabulary.

We aim to help your child to improve cognitive and physical skills, and at the same time learn how to integrate with others as social human beings. However, we understand only too well that children learn at different rates. Some learn quickly, while others take longer. What that means is that we consider that you cannot teach all children in exactly the same way. We make allowances for each child as an individual.

If you would like to find out more about our daycare program, we are happy for you to drop by and see what our children are doing.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!