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Halloween Parade


Our Halloween Parade will take place on October 31st and will begin at 9:00 AM. Children must come to school in their Halloween costumes. Superhero costumes that promote violence will not be permitted. To make it easier on our teachers, we request parents to send children to school with comfortable clothing on beneath their costume. All classes are participating in this event and parents are welcome to join. We ask that parents stay behind the blue lines and don’t disrupt the parade as we would love to get a great video to share with all of our parents. Parent volunteers for this event will be appreciated. Please inquire at the front desk if you are interested. Reminders will be sent as the date draws closer.

*All children who attend Learn and Play Montessori are welcome to attend the mentioned events, but must be accompanied by an adult if they are not scheduled to be in their classroom on that day.

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