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For San Ramon Preschool Come to Danville – It’s Close and Convenient!

If you live or work in San Ramon and you are in need of preschool for your child – or children – Learn And Play Montessori San Ramon preschool is actually in Danville. The good news is that, as you know, it’s only three miles up the 680 which takes about ten minutes to drive, so you can drop your child off here and be at work on time with no trouble at all.

Learn And Play Montessori has added our Danville Montessori Preschool as our newest venture, and we are really proud of it. We run a number of other Montessori schools in the Fremont and San Ramon area and we have been established for many years. We are great believers in the Maria Montessori ethic of letting children learn and play at their own rate. It’s a fact that children do develop at different rates and the Montessori Method allows them to do just that. We never hold back those who develop fast, and at the same time we don’t push those who are slower.Danville Preschools

Fast or slow, with the Montessori Method at our San Ramon preschool they will all get there in the end. The principle is the same as driving from San Ramon to Danville. You might do it in ten minutes, while someone else might take twelve, but you will both get to Danville.

The Montessori Method Does Away with the Competition

The Montessori Method does away with the idea of competition with others to see who is “best”. The child actually competes with him or herself, and it respects the child’s own needs. It does away with the requirement of listening to an adult telling the child what to do, as the child finds out for himself. He is provide with a wide range of tools from which he can select, make his own choices, and work at his own pace, finding out and exploring as he goes. The child actually has free choice.

Our teachers at the San Ramon preschool (in Danville, you remember?) are all highly trained in the Montessori Method and follow each child individually – for individuals is what they are – helping the child to achieve his or her ends rather than instructing them. Children actually love to learn. They want to learn about the things around them, how to use toys and tools, how to mix with their fellow children, and they learn to care about each other as well. The Montessori Method develops children into well-rounded human beings, developing the whole personality of the child, and producing the qualities of good citizenship.

Come and take a look at our San Ramon preschool – in Danville. We know you will be impressed.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!