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For Fremont Kindergarteners There is Now a Montessori Option for Summer.

Summer Fremont kindergarten programs are filling up fast! One of the tragedies is that the public kindergartens operate ONLY to June, and then what do you do with your kindergarteners?
Learn And Play Montessori in Fremont, California
If you ran a business and closed it down for three months in the summer you simply wouldn’t have a business, because customers would go elsewhere. OK, the public school system is free – which is obviously the attraction – but it drops you in it from a great height in the summer, because it simply shuts down. Tough!

This leaves lots of parents scrambling for a Fremont kindergarten for the summer, and many don’t know where to look next.

Here’s a suggestion: why not look at Learn And Play Montessori for your Fremont kindergarten for the summer? We stay open all year round. What’s even better is that we open at 7.00 am and we don’t close until 6.30 pm, so whatever your working hours are, you can drop your child off on the way to wok and pick up again on the way home.

It gets even better, because we have no less than four campuses in Fremont – in Niles, Peralta, Irvington, and Maple – so there’s one near you and on your way to work wherever you live.

Better Still

Would you Believe that it Gets Better Still?

It does, because we run the Montessori method of learning which is the one that the children love. The reason they love it is because it lets them learn what they want to learn. Rather than what they are told to learn.

At our Danville campus we have eight large and bright classrooms which are filled with all sorts of Montessori materials. The way it works is that the children are free to roam the classroom and look at all the materials until they find something which interests them. They simply CHOOSE something which catches their interest, and then they are free to play with it, read it, and learn about it in their own time. There is no pressure. They don’t have to finish something within a specific time frame. Some children simply learn faster than others, and the Montessori system recognises that.

That doesn’t mean that a child who learns quickly is a genius and another is not. It simply accepts that people vary. Furthermore, there is no sense of “competition” because one child is probably exploring something different from the next one anyway. So each child learns at his own pace. The teachers keep an eye on what the children are doing, and when they are ready will introduce them to some further materials.

The Montessori method is simple. It is fun. And it works.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!