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February Event Guidelines!

February Event Guidelines

  • Thursday, February 2:  Groundhog Day:  Announcing whether a groundhog sees its shadow after it emerges from its burrow.  In cultural studies, the children will learn the history or origin of groundhog day.  They will also learn its significance to weather or  seasons and even to people.

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  • Friday, February 3: Student’s 100th Day at school:  In cultural studies, the children will learn the history of numbers, digits and counting.  The children will enjoy projects in any of the subject areas related to the number 100. These projects will be displayed in your child’s classroom. Image result for 100 days of school clipart
  • Tuesday, February 14:  Valentine’s Day Celebration: The children will create Valentine’s Day art projects for their families or friends.  There will be educational and fun materials in the shelves associated with Valentine’s Day. Image result for valentines clipart
  • Monday, February 20: President’s Day, No School: (Before this day, the children will be learning about the significance of President’s Day and making projects related to this national holiday.Image result for presidents day clipart
  • Monday, February 27:  Montessori Week Begins:  LAPMS will celebrate Montessori Week from February 27- March 3, 2017 in honor of the 109th anniversary of Montessori Education.  A variety of Montessori peace lessons and activities will be presented and studied that promote respect for children and awareness of the Montessori method. These include Montessori Moment of Peace, Peace Tables, Friendship Flower Activities and much more.  The children will create booklets about the life and works of Maria Montessori.Image result for montessori clipart

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