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Everyone Wants the Best for Their Child, So You Need a Top-Rated Preschool in Fremont

You want the best for your child, don’t you? That means the best education from the earliest age. It’s competitive out there. The “top-rated” scientists of 2050 will be the “top-rated” preschoolers of today. We set the foundation for success in science using Montessori at Learn And Play Montessori in our key locations, Fremont, Danville, and Dublin.Learn And Play Montessori – a top-rated Fremont preschool for your child.That’s why we are the top-rated preschools in Fremont, California, and that’s why when we look to the future scientists, we know that we will have a hand in their education.

Indeed, we have no less than five campuses in Fremont – in Maple, Peralta, South Fremont, Irvington, and Niles – and we also have campuses in Danville and Dublin. Furthermore, we will shortly be opening a new campus in Milpitas, so wherever you have to commute to work on the I-680 or I-880 we’ve got you covered.

All of our campuses open at 7.00 am and stay open until 6.30 pm, so whatever your hours of work, we are convenient. We also open throughout the year, so we don’t shut down for three months in the summer as the public schools do. This is another reason why we are regarded as the top-rated preschools in Fremont, California.

We take children from the ages of two up to six years old, so we provide daycare, preschool, and kindergarten, which will get your child off to the finest start possible on their educational road.

Each Child Has A Choice

The Montessori method allows each child to have a choice in what they learn about and when, by exploring all of the top-quality Montessori materials that are available for them to browse. When they find something that sparks their interest, they can take it away and play with it, find out what it does – if indeed it “does” something – and learn about it. What that means is that the child is learning about something that he wants to learn about rather than sitting cross-legged on the floor listening to a teacher talking about something which may – or may not – be of interest.

Our teachers are able to guide each child individually in whatever subject he is exploring, and also introduce further materials when the time is appropriate. So, each child is working on something of his own choice, and that inspires a love of learning at a very early age, which will be useful for life.

There is no element of competition in this method of learning because each child is going down a different path. Very often, the older children will help a younger one if he is having difficulty with something.

For further information about the Montessori method, and to see why we are the top-rated preschools in Fremont, California, you are welcome to take a school tour at any time and ask us all your questions. Whether you’re in Irvington or Niles, Centreville or South Fremont, we have a Fremont Montessori location near you.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!