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Commuting Hours in Fremont Now Take Longer Than Ever

The commute in and thru Fremont has gone from bad to worse. What used to take five minutes now takes 15, and what used to take 15 now takes – well, forget about it! It’s crazy, but there is just so much more traffic on the roads.A Fremont commuter

What that means for busy, working parents is that best-in-class Fremont childcare is a MUST HAVE. There just isn’t time to go running all over the Bay Area dropping your child off somewhere, then struggle thru the traffic to get to work, and then do the whole thing the other way around at the end of the day.

Luckily for you, Learn And Play Montessori has no fewer than four Fremont childcare schools for your kids, in Niles, Peralta, Irvington, and Maple. That means that wherever you live and work in Fremont or around, there’s a Learn And Play Montessori somewhere very near you, so it’s easy to drop off and collect your kids. Not only that, we open at 7.00 am and we don’t close until 6.30 pm, so whatever your working hours are, we are here for you.

All of our Fremont preschools and kindergartens are housed in buildings with large and airy classrooms and are packed with Montessori materials from which the children can choose. Our children love our Montessori schools because the method of learning lets them choose for themselves what they want to learn about. They very quickly start to love learning for its’ own sake, because they are constantly exploring and finding about something that they want to learn more of.

Children Learn By Doing

At Learn And Play Montessori, our children don’t sit on the floor cross-legged listening to a teacher talking about something – which they may find uninteresting anyway. Instead, they learn by doing, using all their five senses, rather than just listening. Our teachers, who are all highly trained in the Montessori method, watch each child closely and when the child is ready to learn more, they will introduce him or her to some new materials to explore. So each child is constantly finding out more and more.

Our classrooms house children over about a three-year age span, and the older children help the younger ones by explaining things that they have learned. This not only helps the younger children, but also underscores what the older children have learned.

Our children practice reading, writing, math, the sciences, and more. We also teach Spanish, art, music, dance, stage performances, and oral presentations as well, so that every child develops into a fully-rounded individual.

So if you are tired of the Fremont commute and would like to see what we do at Learn And Play Montessori, we encourage you to drop by your nearest school and see for yourself.

Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!

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Contact us today to learn about how Montessori can help your child succeed!