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Empowering Families: Learn And Play® Embraces Child Care Subsidies for Accessible Montessori Education

At Learn And Play®, we believe that every child deserves access to quality education and care. We understand that financial considerations can be a significant factor for many families when making decisions about their child’s education. To ensure that our Montessori education remains accessible to all, we are excited to announce that we now accept childcare subsidies to support families in need. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of accessible education, highlight our commitment to inclusivity, and provide information on various childcare subsidy programs.

We recognize that providing quality education goes beyond the classroom. We understand that families may face financial challenges, and we are committed to breaking down barriers to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive in a nurturing learning environment.

To support our commitment to accessibility, we have compiled a list of childcare financial aid subsidy options that parents can explore. These programs are specifically designed to help eligible families cover the costs of childcare while also offering financial support to those seeking quality early childhood education.

It’s important to note that the eligibility for childcare subsidy is contingent upon the family’s place of residence. Each program may have specific criteria that families must meet to qualify for assistance. We encourage you to explore these programs thoroughly and reach out to the respective links provided for detailed information.

Our commitment to accessible education is unwavering. We believe that by embracing childcare subsidies, we take a step further in making our educational community inclusive and supportive for all families. If you have any questions or need assistance in exploring childcare subsidy options, our team is here to help. Together, let’s create a learning environment where every child can flourish, regardless of financial barriers.

preschool activities in Sunnyvale, CA

Sunnyvale Campus: Open House, January 13, 2024

Discover the magic of Montessori at our First Open House on Jan 13th!

Sunnyvale Open House:

Join us from 10 AM – 4 PM to explore engaging learning environments for your little ones.

Perfect for parents, guardians, and anyone curious about the Montessori approach! Call 408-735-8333 or email [email protected] to learn more!

Address: 1055 Sunnyvale-Saratoga Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94087


Sunny Beginnings: Learn And Play® Montessori Magic in Sunnyvale

A wave of anticipation is sweeping through Sunnyvale, California, as we proudly announce the upcoming inauguration of Learn And Play® Montessori School’s latest addition in January 2024. In our ongoing mission to provide exceptional educational experiences, our Sunnyvale campus is poised to become a haven for learning, exploration, and joy, nestled in the heart of Silicon Valley. [Read more…] about Sunny Beginnings: Learn And Play® Montessori Magic in Sunnyvale

Growing Together: Our Montessori Family Expands to Sunnyvale, California!

We are overjoyed to share some wonderful news with our extended Montessori family – we’re expanding! A new chapter is unfolding for us as we proudly announce the opening of a brand-new location right in the heart of Sunnyvale, California. At Learn And Play® Montessori, we are committed to providing exceptional education and nurturing environments for your little ones. Join us on this exciting journey as we bring the Montessori experience to Sunnyvale. We are scheduled to open our doors to new students in January 2024. [Read more…] about Growing Together: Our Montessori Family Expands to Sunnyvale, California!

preschool activities in Sunnyvale, CA

Learn And Play® Montessori School Proudly Announces 2024 Sunnyvale Preschool, Daycare, and Childcare Opening

Sunnyvale, California – December 30, 2023. Learn And Play® Montessori School, a top-rated provider of early childhood education is proud to announce its new Sunnyvale campus. The Sunnyvale campus will offer best-in-class daycare (childcare), preschool, and kindergarten to Silicon Valley parents looking for the best option for their children. [Read more…] about Learn And Play® Montessori School Proudly Announces 2024 Sunnyvale Preschool, Daycare, and Childcare Opening

Igniting Curiosity: Learn And Play® Montessori’s Cutting-Edge Campus in Sunnyvale

In the heart of Silicon Valley, a new beacon of educational innovation is set to emerge. Get ready to witness the fusion of tradition and technology as Learn And Play® Montessori School unveils its state-of-the-art campus in Sunnyvale, California, scheduled to open its doors in January 2024. Brace yourself for a journey where STEM meets Montessori, creating an environment that nurtures curiosity and sparks a love for learning.

Our Sunnyvale campus isn’t just a school; it’s a dynamic space where traditional Montessori principles seamlessly integrate with a cutting-edge STEM curriculum. From interactive smart boards to hands-on science labs, we’ve curated an environment that empowers children to explore, question, and innovate.

At the core of our philosophy is the belief that STEM and Montessori education are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. Our STEM + Montessori approach is designed to inspire critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of subjects. As children engage in hands-on activities and collaborative projects, they develop the skills needed for success in the digital age.

Step into our classrooms, where traditional Montessori materials coexist with cutting-edge technology. Our educators, well-versed in both Montessori and STEM methodologies, guide students through a curriculum that encourages exploration and discovery. Whether it’s coding, robotics, or environmental science, our students are prepared to excel in a rapidly evolving world.

The Sunnyvale campus prides itself on offering not just theoretical knowledge but practical, hands-on experiences. Through STEM challenges, experiments, and real-world applications, children learn to think critically and approach problems with a creative mindset. This approach prepares them not just for academic success but for a future where adaptability and innovation are paramount.

A Community of Learners in Sunnyvale

Join a community where curiosity knows no bounds. Our Sunnyvale campus fosters a culture of collaboration, where students become explorers, innovators, and problem solvers. Regular STEM fairs, project showcases, and interactive workshops ensure that the excitement of learning extends beyond the classroom.

As we countdown to the grand opening of Learn And Play® Montessori School Sunnyvale, we invite you to embark on a journey where STEM and Montessori converge to shape the future. Enroll your child in an educational experience that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms, igniting a passion for knowledge and a foundation for lifelong learning. Together, let’s explore the endless possibilities that await in our STEM-infused Montessori wonderland.

You are welcome to join our Interest List! By being part of this exclusive list, you’re among the first to receive exciting updates, news, and announcements. Stay tuned for more information, which will be released on our website and through our social media channels. We can’t wait to share the latest developments with you!

Preparing Your Child for Montessori: A Parent’s Guide

The decision to send your child to a Montessori school is important, and the transition from being at home to attending a Montessori school is a significant milestone for both you and your child. Our Montessori school programs run currently in Fremont, Danville, Dublin, and Milpitas. The Montessori method of education is known for its unique approach to fostering independence, creativity, and a love of learning in children. To help ease this transition, we’ll explore some valuable tips for parents and what to expect during the first few weeks of Montessori school.

Prepare Your Child Emotionally. Emotional readiness is crucial for a smooth transition. Start by discussing the upcoming change with your child. Explain why they’ll be going to school and the exciting experiences they will have. Encourage their curiosity and enthusiasm, reassuring them that school is a fun place to learn and make new friends.

Brochure supporting a Montessori school in Fremont, California.

Familiarize Your Child with Montessori Principles. Montessori schools have a unique philosophy focusing on child-centered learning, freedom within limits, and mixed-age classrooms. Introducing your child to these principles before their first day is a good idea. You can read books or watch videos about Maria Montessori’s ideas, which will help your child understand the learning environment.

Tour the School Together. Before the first day of school, arrange a tour of the Montessori classroom with your child. This will help them become comfortable with the physical environment, the materials, and the teachers. You can also introduce your child to some of the other students to make them feel welcome.

Click here to Schedule a Tour of any of our Learn And Play Montessori Schools

Establish Routines. Montessori schools emphasize independence, and it’s helpful for children to have a structured routine at home. Encourage your child to dress themselves, tidy up after activities, and take care of their personal belongings. These skills will make the transition to the Montessori classroom smoother.

Encourage Grace and Courtesy: Beyond academic development, Montessori education places a strong emphasis on cultivating grace and courtesy. Introduce your child to the values of respect, kindness, and consideration for others. Emphasize the importance of polite interactions and the joy that comes from being part of a supportive and respectful community. By instilling these social skills early on, your child will seamlessly integrate into the Montessori environment, fostering positive relationships with peers and teachers alike. Incorporating grace and courtesy into their daily routines at home will further nurture these essential qualities, contributing to a well-rounded and emotionally intelligent educational experience.

Build Confidence. In the Montessori environment, children are encouraged to make choices and decisions. Help your child build their confidence by letting them make age-appropriate choices at home, such as selecting their clothing or deciding what snacks to eat. This will prepare them for the independence they’ll experience at school.

Transitioning from home to a Montessori school can be an exciting journey for both parents and children. By preparing your child emotionally, introducing them to Montessori principles, and building their confidence and independence, you can help them adapt to this enriching learning environment. During the first few weeks, embrace the unique aspects of Montessori education, including mixed-age classrooms and individualized learning, and maintain open communication with your child’s teachers. With patience and support, your child is on their way to a fulfilling and transformative Montessori experience.

Montessori + STEM Experiments & How to Enhance Learning at Home

Montessori education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) are powerful tools for nurturing children’s curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. When these two educational philosophies intersect, children experience a dynamic learning environment that ignites their passion for discovery. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of Montessori + STEM education and provide a collection of exciting at-home STEM activities to complement your child’s school experience. To learn more about our STEM curriculum, you can take a tour of any of our schools.

At-Home STEM Activities to Enhance the Montessori + STEM Experience

  1. Weather Watchers: Create a weather journal to record daily observations. Discuss temperature, humidity, and precipitation. Over time, your child will notice patterns and gain a deeper understanding of weather.
  2. Seed Growth Experiment: Plant seeds in different conditions – some with lots of water, some with minimal water, and some in different soil types. Observe and discuss how each condition affects seed growth.
  3. Simple Machines at Home: Explore simple machines using household objects. For example, construct a pulley system using a rope, a chair, and a bucket to learn about mechanical advantage.
  4. Nature Scavenger Hunt: Organize a nature scavenger hunt, encouraging your child to observe and collect different items from the natural world. Discuss the characteristics and functions of these objects.
  5. Invent with Recyclables: Provide your child with a collection of recyclable materials, and challenge them to invent a useful or creative item. Discuss the engineering principles involved.

Enhancing Montessori + STEM at HomeMontessori plus STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math)

  • Encourage your child’s questions and curiosity. Emphasize that it’s okay not to have all the answers – part of the STEM process is exploring the unknown.
  • Create a dedicated STEM workspace at home. This can be a corner of a room or a table stocked with supplies for experiments and projects.
  • Keep a science journal. Encourage your child to record their observations, hypotheses, and the results of their experiments.
  • Foster critical thinking by discussing everyday STEM-related challenges and problem-solving together.

Montessori + STEM at home creates an environment that extends your child’s learning beyond the classroom, fueling their passion for exploration, discovery, and problem-solving. These experiences help children build a strong foundation in STEM and develop skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.


Montessori Thanksgiving: Cultivating Gratitude and Togetherness

Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together, reflect on their blessings, and create meaningful memories. At our Montessori school, we believe in fostering gratitude, independence, and togetherness among our young learners. In this blog, we’ll explore Montessori-inspired activities and ways in which parents can make Thanksgiving a meaningful and educational experience for their children.Celebrating Thankgiving in a Montessori preschool in Fremont, CA.

  1. DIY Thanksgiving Decorations. In the Montessori classroom, children learn the value of practical life activities. This Thanksgiving, engage your child in making DIY decorations. They can create paper turkeys, leaf garlands, or placemats. This not only hones their fine motor skills but also instills a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Cooking Together. Thanksgiving offers an ideal opportunity for parents and children to cook together. Invite your child to help with age-appropriate tasks, like washing vegetables, peeling potatoes, or mixing ingredients. Cooking fosters independence, practical life skills, and a love for food and nutrition.
  3. Nature Walks. In Montessori education, nature plays a crucial role in learning. Consider taking a nature walk as a family in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Collect leaves, pinecones, or acorns to incorporate into your decorations or crafts, all while fostering a deep connection to the natural world.
  4. Setting the Table. Teach your child how to set the Thanksgiving table with precision. This practical life skill includes arranging utensils, napkins, and dishes in an organized and beautiful manner. It instills a sense of responsibility and order.
  5. Montessori Grace and Courtesy. In Montessori, children are taught the importance of grace and courtesy. Use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to teach your child about being polite and expressing gratitude. Encourage them to say “please” and “thank you” and to express their thanks for the meal.

Thanksgiving in a Montessori spirit is all about fostering gratitude, independence, and togetherness. By engaging your child in these Montessori-inspired activities, you can create a Thanksgiving experience that aligns with the principles of Montessori education, all while building precious family memories and instilling values that will last a lifetime. Happy Thanksgiving!

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