When it comes to preschool programs in Fremont, CA, you have to make some decisions. How do you want your child to be educated? Do you want back-to-the-basics, or would you prefer love-of-learning? Maybe some of both? Are you a “hands-on” parent who wants to do a lot yourself, and therefore save some money, or are you a busy working parent who needs a “full service” preschool? There are many preschool programs in Fremont, CA, but we are the #1 Montessori-based program at Learn And Play Montessori. [Read more…] about You Have to Choose the Fremont Preschool Option Which Is Right for You
South Fremont Campus
A NEW Montessori Preschool for South Fremont
Here is some fantastic news for parents in South Fremont. As you probably already know, Learn And Play Montessori is the leading operator of Montessori preschools in Fremont, with campuses in Irvington, Maple, Peralta, and Niles, and we are highly respected among parents in the city. [Read more…] about A NEW Montessori Preschool for South Fremont