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Learn and Play Montessori

Learn and Play Montessori Irvington Fremont Campus

May Is Here !!

Welcome to the month of May!

This Month we are looking forward to lots of fun things . To kick off,we are treating all our mommies for all the hard work that they do.

We can’t forget our Teachers!

Our teachers Appreciation Week begins on May 1st

Spring is in the Air.

Spring is in the Air.


Spring is in full bloom this April! Along with the breeze comes the scent of freshly-cut grass and the warmth and promise of summer vacations, backyard barbecues, and outdoor fun. April is a busy month for all LAPMS students. Classrooms at Niles are buzzing with purposeful work—from toddler children working on building words to pre-K children enjoying gardening and other springtime science activities to Kindergartens preparing for graduation in June. It is a time of reaping the fruits of work so patiently planted like tiny seeds at the beginning of the school year. Parent-Teacher Conference Days begin on April 3rd! It is a golden opportunity to speak with your child’s teacher to communicate any concerns and questions. Page 2 of this newsletter contains the Parent-Teacher Conference schedule. As always, thank you for helping us in improving the quality of education for our children.

Happy Spring!

Learn and Play Montessori Irvington Fremont Campus

April Showers!!

April Showers bring May Flowers!

As we begin the month of April ,we hope we will all be able to enjoy warmer  weather and many beautiful spring days.

In the month of April we are excited to learn about Australia ,Land forms, Zoology and Botany.

We will begin our month with parent teacher conferences, followed by Egg Hunt and Earth Day. We will be ending our month by posing for our Spring pictures .

Practicing for a Fire Drill.

Practicing for a Fire Drill.

March 15th we will be practicing a Fire Drill at 10:30 am. Practicing emergency evacuations is very important so please make sure to drop your child off on time to ensure their participation. Fire/earthquake drills are practiced on a monthly basis to prepare children and staff for a safe exit in the event of an emergency. It is important that you keep all personal information updated (phone numbers and address).

Practicing for a Fire Drill

Learn and Play Montessori Irvington Fremont Campus

March is here!!

March is here!  We are so excited because we get to celebrate Dr. Seuss this month! Not only do we have a pajama party, we also get to bring our favorite Dr. Seuss books to share with friends. Later on this month we will all be wearing green in spirit of Irish luck. So many fun things going on at  Irvington this month! We just can’t wait!

Learn and Play Montessori Peralta Fremont Campus

Hats off to Dr. Seuss!

March is here!  We are so excited because we get to celebrate Dr. Seuss this month! Not only do we have a pajama party, we also get to bring our favorite Dr. Seuss books to share with friends. Later on this month we will all be wearing green in spirit of Irish luck. So many fun things going on at Peralta this month! We just can’t wait!

Learn and Play Montessori Peralta Fremont Campus

February Events at Peralta

February is here and we are so excited! Its the month of love and we will be celebrating by sharing Valentines Cards and other goodies with our friends. We plan on doing a lot of fun art that relates to Valentines Day. Everyone is in the spirit!  We are also looking forward to President’s Day and will be learning  more about that.

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