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Learn and Play Montessori

July Event Guidelines

July Event Guidelines

Dear Niles Parents,

This July is the month to celebrate with pride, independence and pageantry with our children.  During cultural studies, the children continue to learn about the human body and how it works. Our teachers have prepared educational games and activities that are intertwined with our summer curriculum.  Included in the summer curriculum is community helpers.  The children will study the roles and responsibilities of our community helpers. They will also go over what tools they use to do their work and how these tools are used when needed.  We salute all community helpers for serving us and attending to our needs. Thank you parent volunteers for sharing your knowledge with our children. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a class presentation.

July 4: Independence Day:  No School: This July the children will learn the history of independence and how it is celebrated by many people across the nation.  The children will be making Fourth of July wands, cards and many other projects and games to celebrate Independence Day.

July 18: Tuesday, Fire Drill: Practicing disaster drills is very important for the children to practice what to do in case there is an emergency while they are at school.

July 21: Parent Appreciation Day: Parents and guardians play varied roles to the lives of our children.  We at Niles warmly greet all parents and guardians for bringing their children to our school.  The children will make cards for their parents or guardians for this special day.

July 23: Parent’s Day, Sunday: Happy Parents’ Day to all parents and guardians.

June !

June !

June is just around the corner and we are looking forward to celebrating all of our special events of the month, including the start of our Summer Curriculum! Please feel free to read below for a schedule of our events for the month of June:
June 1: Kindergarten Graduation – 10:00am in the courtyard:  All children in classroom 2 (Kindergarteners and Pre-K) and the Kindergarten children in room 3 will participate in the Graduation ceremony. However, only the kindergarten participants – who were 5 years old as of September 1, 2016 – will be wearing a cap and gown during the ceremony. Kindergarteners will receive a “Certificate of Achievement”, and Pre-K children will receive a “Certificate of Participation.” Class portfolios will also be distributed to all Room 2 children and to the Kindergarteners in Room 3 on this special event. Classroom 2 and 3 teachers are available to answer any questions.
June 5-9: Teacher’s Prep for Summer curriculum: The teachers will prepare the classroom for the summer program.  Children will enjoy educational activities aligned with the themes of the month. The classroom schedule will remain the same.
June 5:  End-of- the- year celebration in the classroom:  The children in rooms 4, 5 and 6 will receive a “Certificate of Participation” and the school year portfolio at the end of the day.
June 6:  End-of-the-year celebration in the classroom: The children in rooms 7, 8, 9, and 10 will celebrate the end of the school year. Classroom 7 students will receive their portfolios at the end of the day.
June 12: Summer Program begins:  Our summer curriculum focuses on the study of the human body and how it works. We welcome parents to come for a class presentation about the human body or a topic on community helpers such as dentists, policemen, nutritionists, doctors, librarians, firemen and many others. The classroom materials and activities will be aligned with the themes of the month.  The curriculum content and themes of study will be posted in your child’s classroom. Our summer program will end on August 18, 2017.
June 16:  Father’s Day Breakfast in the courtyard:  All of our LAPMS Fathers are welcome to celebrate Father’s Day with us in the courtyard from 8:00-10:00 in the morning.
June 27: Fire Drill at 10:30am
Please speak with the front desk for any questions and concerns. We appreciate your continued support in all of our school events. 


Learn and Play Montessori Irvington Fremont Campus

Graduation June

June is the month for graduation.Our Children from C1, and C2 will be graduating.

With heavy hearts, we see some faces leave for grade -level.Congratulations to our C1 and C2 Children.

We will also be starting our Summer Curriculum from June 12th.

Learn and Play Montessori Dublin San Ramon Campus

Mother’s Day Breakfast

We want to honor our wonderful mothers and reflect on their importance in our lives!

We would like to invite our LAPMS-Dublin mothers to come and join our Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday, May 12th at 8:00AM-10:00AM. Either grab one or two muffins, or take a quick bite before you go home or to work, or you may also enjoy a short breakfast-gathering with other mothers! Our school will be serving continental breakfast to celebrate Mother’s Day with us!

Please help yourself to the breakfast table by the activity room.

Mother's Day Breakfast

Thank you !

Thank you !

Dear Niles Parents and Families,

Thank you for making Teacher Appreciation Week so very special for us.  Your kindness and generosity made us feel so wonderful and made the whole week very memorable.

Thank you for the beautiful flowers, thoughtful messages, and kind gifts that you have showered upon all of us.  Your support is truly an inspiration.

Every day, we continue working towards our goal to guide, nurture, and provide wonderful opportunities and experiences to all children at LAPMS.

Thank you for being a part of the LAPMS family

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