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August Guidelines at Niles !

This month of August at Niles, we continue to welcome parent volunteers to join us for a class presentation by scheduling the date and time with your child’s teacher.  Class presentation is always an important time to connect with the children at school.   They love to see their parents teaching and sharing their talents.

Here is a list of the special events coming up in the month of August:

• August 7-11: Human Anatomy: The children continue to study human anatomy and its functions.  This week they focus on Circulatory System and the Respiratory System.  There are booklets and other projects that they will take home about blood circulation and the process of respiration.

• August 14- 18: (Last week of the Summer Program): Human Anatomy:  The children will learn how to take care of their body and the healthy foods to build strong bones as well as healthy mind and body.

• August 21-30: School Days – Teacher’s Preparation of the Classroom:  The children will be making arts and crafts, and projects that relate to human anatomy. Class schedule will continue as normal.

• August 31: Dr. Maria Montessori’s Birthday

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