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At Learn and Play Montessori We Now Provide Kindergarten Online

What a summer it’s been! Parents and kids have struggled to “keep learning.” Well, now it seems like “endless summer” as the plan, as of this writing, for Fremont, is for “online learning” to be the dominant mode, even for Kindergarteners.Online learning is the new “new” for kindergarteners.

Yes, our schools will be open online, in-person, and blended, PLUS we will work WITH the curriculum (even as it changes) to take the load off of parents. So it’s not Montessori OR public kindergarten. You can now do both for your child.

So now you have available a mix of learning for your child in whatever manner is best for both of you. Certainly, all our campuses in Fremont – in Niles, Peralta, Maple, Irvington, and now South Fremont which is opening shortly – will all be open for face-to-face learning in the classroom. Each classroom is filled to the brim with top-quality Montessori materials from which every child can choose whatever interests him, take it away, sit down, play with it, explore it, and learn what it is and what it does.

Now that is something that we cannot provide with our online kindergarten in Fremont, CA. But we have designed our online classes in such a way that they maintain the Montessori principles, one of which is that every child is an individual and has the right to be respected as such.

Children Learn At Different Paces

Furthermore, in our online kindergarten in Fremont, CA, we understand that every child learns at a different pace. Some are very quick learners, others are slower. That doesn’t make a “slow” student a poor student. Our classes, both in person and online, are designed to allow for just that. Each child proceeds at his or her own pace and there is no element of competition or one child being “better” than another.

Our online kindergarten in Fremont, CA, covers language, math, engineering, science, technology, visual arts, history, geography, music, movement arts, practical and sensorial life, and a second language – in this case Spanish. It is all there, whether in the classroom, online, or a blend.

We provide pods for small groups of children and parents so that every child has maximum attention from the teacher. There are online classes every day for the different age groups so that each child can participate at his or her own level, and these are live classes online on Facebook. We also provide online classes on Zoom every day for 30 – 45 minutes for children aged 3 – 6 years old.

If it should happen that your child is unable to attend a live session that is not a problem as each class is recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel so that he or she can watch it at any time later on.

For more information call us on (510) 955-1001 or email [email protected]

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