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Teaching the Montessori Way

At Learn And Play® Montessori School, we have a unique approach: we combine Montessori with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). We aim to get the “best of both worlds,” the passionate “love of learning” that comes from Montessori and the practical, forward-looking career skills that STEM provides. In this post, let’s explore some of the Montessori aspects of our best-in-class preschool programs from Sunnyvale to Hercules, Fremont to Milpitas, Pleasant Hill to Moraga and everywhere in between (as we are opening new campuses all the time).

Using the Montessori method, we prioritize creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, time-management skills, and a love/location care for our environment and each other. Our Montessori-inspired teachers are at the heart of this comprehensive plan for developing well-rounded students, those who love learning and have foundational STEM skills.

Maria Montessori said, “The essential function of the educator is to aid life.” Our teachers are professionals with deep educational backgrounds who know each child’s interests and developmental states. They lead the children to give lessons, yet the children explore the Montessori materials independently. Montessori sees students as active participants in the learning process; teachers are guides, rather than dictators.A child using the Montessori method in a preschool in Moraga, California

What is a Montessori presentation?

Our teachers illustrate the Montessori philosophy via class activities. The teacher demonstrates through “doing” instead of just “telling,” with lots of words on how things work. The teacher introduces the name of the activity and keeps eye contact with students, and asks for volunteers to give responses to the questions posed. These lessons provide three key benefits: they allow for free reading, hands-on learning, and independent observation. LAPMS teachers strive to give instruction to their students, but as “guides” and not “dictators.”

What is a Montessori inspired lesson?

Our curriculum includes math, science, geography, language, sensorial, practical life, music, art, and a even second language. Our best-in-class preschool programs focus on academic excellence and the holistic development of every child. Students can develop new life skills through Montessori “practical life” lessons. For example, pouring from one cup, using a screwdriver, folding clothes, sweeping, cutting fruits, etc. are “life lessons.” Our teachers allow students to take meaningful steps toward independence and being the “master” of their own education. These skills enable the student to manage the activities themselves and help their family with household chores. Grace and courtesy are also important elements of practical life. We teach kindness, and “good manners.” In our daycare, childcare, and kindergarten programs, children follow a social etiquette protocol; perhaps it be as simple as “please” and “thank yous,” or covering our mouth to not spread germs when we cough.

LAPMS is committed to nurturing skills that can be used both inside the classroom and outside more widely, preparing our students to face real-life challenges. Whether our toddlers are working on their fine motor skills, our preschool and kindergarteners are jumping into math concepts, or everyone is learning to be polite, our teachers act as guides and motivators so that students are geared towards success!


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